What versions of the Arduino board are there.
Arduino Uno R3. ...
Arduino Nano. ...
Arduino Micro. ...
Parts of the Arduino board
USB connector.
Power port.
What can we connect to the analog pins of the Arduino?
While the main function of the analog pins for most Arduino users is to read analog sensors, the analog pins also have all the functionality of general purpose input/output
What can we connect on the digital pins of Arduino
The digital inputs and outputs (digital I/O) on the Arduino are what allow you to connect the Arduino sensors, actuators, and other ICs.
What is the void setup() section used for in Arduino programming?
The code that you put inside void setup() will only run once, and that will be at the beginning of your program.
Example of a simple Arduino program.

What is Arduino
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software.
What are the analog pins on the Arduino?
While the main function of the analog pins for most Arduino users is to read analog sensors, the analog pins also have all the functionality of general purpose input/output
What are the Arduino digital pins?
The pins 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12 are used as a digital input or output for the Arduino board. Serial Pins: This pin is also known as a UART pin. It is used for communication between the Arduino board and a computer or other devices.
What programming language does the Arduino use?
Arduino is What Kind of Coding Language? Arduino uses a variant of the C++ programming language.
What is the void loop() section used for in Arduino programming?
This is where the bulk of your Arduino sketch is executed. The program starts directly after the opening curly bracket