Are learning skills a learning Story: Hoe do learning skills connect the Learner, the Educator, and Curriculum


Self reg

A vital part of teacher education that I wich had been named prior to this last stretch

recognizing that self reg is the complicated interactions of cognition, physiology, environment and feeling.

Executive Functions

Modelling understanding nad working at EF

Pre-work of assessing along with continued re-evaluation of EF can help students understand where they are and how to get where they want to be

Day 2


Through my own experience on placement I thoroughly believe that relationship building is the number one factor in supporting student success

Building a bond of trust and communication is an indispensible tool for an educator in knowing how to meet the needs of their students and in encouraging student engagement for success


Gradual release of responsibility model

prioritizing student interests is vital to providing students with opportunities to learn

no attempt to access and feed student interest is not a neutral stance but actively detrimental to student engagement and success


Self Reg

Executive functions

Explicit teaching not just in a learning skills or LD class,, UDL and beneficial for students across different classes



Inquiry based Learning


Self Reg

Vital to student success

More than just they can sit still

encompassing and holistic of stress and environmental factors

Execuctive Functions

empowering to a learner to understand and be able to articulate their cognitive strengths and weaknesses



Relationship building as fundamental to student success


Balance between comfort zone - growth and panic

Main topic

Struggle with curriculum

I have more to say right now about the learner and educator - so for my final assignment I need to endeavour to understand curriculum connections deeper