AudiolingualMethod – TugayElmas
What are the objectives of Audio-Lingual Method ?
Oral comprehension.
Accurate pronunciation.
Writing+reading comprehension.
The ultimate goal is native like production.

Which skills are emphasized in ALM ?
Emphasis is on the listening and speaking skills.
Then writing and reading is introduced.
What is the role of the teacher ?

Teacher is like an orchestra leader, directing and controlling the language behavior.
Teacher should be a good model for imitation.
Teacher should use different techniques to grasp students interest.
What are the advantages of ALM ?
Since errors are immediately corrected , students have a better chance of understanding their mistakes.
Making language teaching possible to large groups of learners.
Through imitation students improve their listening and speaking skills.
Effective to beginners.
Native like production is the ultimate aim.
What should we know about its background

It is also called "Army Method"

It is based on the principles of behavioral psychology.
The first strong method with theory of language and theory of learning.
An oral-based approach.

Let's get to the point = Principles
Language learning is a habit-formation.
The meanings of words can be learned only in a linguistic and cultural contex.
Language skiils are learned more effectively if they are presented orally first then in written form.
Immediate error correction.
Students should overlearn the target language.
Discouraging the use of mother tongue in the classroom.
Application of ALM in the classroom
What kind of techniques are used in ALM ?
Dialog Memorization
Grammar game
Complete the dialogue
Use of minimal pairs

Students' roles
Students are seem as organism that can be manipulated by skilled teachers and skilled techniques.
Students are imitators.
Students don't have much of a control in the classroom.
Students play a reactive role.
What are the disadvantages of ALM ?
Students can't create anything new or spontaneous.
Repeating the same sentences over and over makes the lesson boring.
Since students dont know the meaning behind the sentences they repeat like parrots they are unable to see the true meaning of the words.
Teacher's domination of the class causes lack of motivation in students.
Reading and writing skills are not improved.

Criticism of ALM
Languages can not be learned in laboratories.
Mechanical learning.
Without meaningful learning , competence in language can not be achieved.