I'm nini johana castelanos rozo
I'm 24 years old
Where and when were you born
I was born in saboya
Iwas born on febrary 26 in 1993 in my house.
where and when i was study
my first school was "liceo moderno" it was in bogota
I finished school in 2005. I was 12 years old.
I finished high school in 2011 at the "jose cayetano vasquez" college.
My goals
I hope to graduate soon and be a great teacher.
Continue studying now with specialization
Get more deepening by the english to be able to travel abroad.

Enter as a teacher at public school.
My family
I have 4 very beautiful nephews
I have 11 uncles and aunts from my father
I have 16 uncles and aunts from my mother.
My family is composed by my mother olga, my father juan, my two sister and one brother.
what are my likes
I like extreme sports
I like travel and explore
my favorite food is lasagna.
my favorite color is blue.
I love playing the saxofone.
I like to listen to clssical instrumental music.
I love animals especially dogs. I have one and its called paquita
that i don't like it
I don't like to wath TV, just information of interest.
I do not like to stay home alone.