Vampire bats
Live in South America
Name means to drink blood
Dies if it does not have meal for 2 days
do not suck blood but lick it
special adaptations for feeding
lick blood with tongue
will bite larger mammals
will bite pigs
Can be found in Mexico
may bite people
May bite other bats
can give diseases with bite
can regurgitate food
Live in dark caves
babies are called pups
bats hang upside down
can be black or brown
will give babies rides when they can't fly
can pass diseases with bites
1100 species
use echolocation
are not blind
can live in hot or cold
live in caves, under bridges, trees, buildings
fruit bats
eat fruit
travel up to 30 miles
insect eating bats
eat hundreds of bugs an hour
eat flying or ground bugs
live all over the world