+)he read in their spare time to be smarter-)he did not read in their spare time to be smarter?)did he read in their spare time to be smarter.+) You ate ajiaco with bananas at lunch-) You did not eat ajiaco with bananas at lunch?) Did you eat banana with ajiaco at lunch?+)They lived in houses with several people-) They did not live in houses with several people?)Did the live in houses with several people+) Escuchamos las noticias hoy temprano-) No tenemos noticias hoy temprano?) escuchamos las noticias en la madrugada de hoy?+) They participated In the management of the city-) They did not participate In the management of the city?)Did they participate In the management of the city
las mujeres que aportaban en el hogar
les tocaba economizar la plata
se dedicaban a la modisteria y culinaria.
en 1890 se inaguro en la carrera 6a
el Skating Ring donde se daban:
conciertos alternados con sesiones de patinaje
tiro al blanco
Su comida típica es:
carne molida con maíz
la conmemoración del 6 de agosto
aniversario de la fundación de Bogota
dia en el que la gente iba a la catedral para admirar las reliquias
que fueron utilizadas en la primera misa oficiada en Bogota.
en 1902
apareció el fútbol
como deporte elista
en 1891
comenzó el gusto por el patinaje
en 1891
apareció el ciclismo
deporte que creo afición entre los capitalismos
las mujeres negras o indígenas
eran las que hacían los quehaceres
los desayunos de los bogotanos eran:
carne molida
huevo con guisos
taza de chocolate
la clase popular que se encontraba en las ciudades la mayoría era analfabeta.
trabajaban en colegios de primaria
o en el comercio que les dejaban sus maridos
+)he read in their spare time to be smarter
-)he did not read in their spare time to be smarter
?)did he read in their spare time to be smarter?
+) You ate ajiaco with bananas at lunch
-) You did not eat ajiaco with bananas at lunch
?) Did you eat banana with ajiaco at lunch?
+)They lived in houses with several people
-) They did not live in houses with several people
?)Did the live in houses with several people?
+)we heard the early today. -)we dos not hear the early today ?)did we hear the early today?
+) They participated In the management of the city
-) They did not participate In the management of the city
?)Did they participate In the management of the city