Carl Popper (1902- 1994)

What is a scientific statement? it is one that is falsifiable

Who was he?

He was the 20th century's most important philosopher of science.

He was one of the century's leading contributors to the scientific enterprise.

He was interested in the nature of the truth, and changed the way scientists think by saying that we cannot say what is true, we can only say that some things are false.

The most impressive points in Einestein's theory:


It was very bold.He said that although Newton's theory is an approximation to the truth, it is still false.His predictions were from different observable efffects.These predictions were crucial to arrive to the truth.He declared that although his observation were close to the truth; they remain "false".

Copernicus and Kepler:

examples of acientists who sought truth more than harmony of metaphysics.

Their observations were "false" because it was just an approximation of the truth

Heroic sense of science


Men who devoted themselves to the search for the truth, to the growth of the knowledge of people, who lived a life of bold ideas and are highly skeptical of their own ideas

Bold ideas are:


Boldness is the distance between the world of appearence and the conjectured reality.Another kind of blodness, is boldness of predicting aspects of the world of appearence when it takes real risk of being tested and refuted

new, daring (who takes risk of being false), hypotheses or conjectures.