Combinign Investment Terms

Dow Jones, Blue Chip, Dividend/Yield

The Dow Jonesdex shows howomplicity owned companies. Which I went into because I wanted my Blue CHip indexecause it is considerd a guagef and industry or economic region.And see how the Divended and Yieldndicatehe company pay out.

NASDAQ 100, Growth/Value, Bond

I wen to invest in NASDAQ!00 so that I will be able to see the growth/value of the bonds I bought.

ETF,Mutual Fund, P/E Ratio

And ETF expense ratios are typicallyower then and Mutual fund, but I hope to see a progresse in my P/E Ratio


I wanted to purchase stock in a succesfull company on the NYSE, so I went to my loclal brokerage to make this transaction happen.

S&P 100, SPY,Bull/Bear Market

The SPY is within the stock market, and contains S&P 100 and where sometime it clashes and becomes a BUll/bear market.

NASDAQ, Warren Buffet, Market Cap

Warren Buffet Ceo is involved in NASDAQ a stock market in america, and he showed to have imressive market cap.