Conditional design


colletive work

sketches and routines - graphite sequencers

time cosmique advert

the perfect circle

I am fascinated by the fact that mathematical shapes can be found everywhere in nature but are hardly ever perfect. Each worker receives a colored marker to draw with and is asked to execute the simple but sometimes self contradicting rule. Each turn took exactly one minute and the rule was executed exactly 60 times.


Given the main topic of Culture 2.0 event - "culture resources/recycled culture" we've chosen old Polish hit by Piotr Szczepanik "Goniąc Kormorany" ( Chasing Cormorans ) and engraved it on a custom vinyl plate ( made by ).Then we've hacked old gramophone, replacing the engine with the one controlled via Arduino. In the next step we've wrote special tracking software in openframeworks which allowed us to track persons moving around the gramophone and transpose their movements to speed/direction of the rotating vinyl plate, so the one could "remix" the recording by just running around

with records


progetto collettivo

collaborazione di più utenti per la creazione di un'opera colletiva basta sulle delle regole precise di costruzione

il più importante aspetto di un processo sono tempo, relazione e cambiamento

decontestualizzare un giradischi o uno strumento che produca un movimento rotatorio costante per creare un pattern o un segno grafico

interazione in progress

segno - immagine

movimento dei passanti

tempo di creazione non infinito





sensori di movimento
