A Cure For All

Who is Affected

Everyone who lives in unsanitary conditions


Baby's immune system is too weak to fight against infectous beaterias

This leads to a high mortality rate within newborns


Although adults has a stronger immune system, it does not mean that they are not vulnerable to viruses.

Death as a result if the infection is left untreated due to financial hardships.

Possible Solutions


Invest more into medical research and facilities

Medical staff will be able to administer newly developed medicine to save lives

Reduce Casualties

Society will be at ease

Establish projects that makes citizens healthy such as creating a water filter system etc

Reduce risk of civilians getting sick from diseases such as Cholera


Make sure that they take care of their community by disposing their waste properly

Diseases will be preventable

What is it/Where is it

Third World Countries

Poverty Areas

Lack of sanitation due to the lack of proper waste management or drinking water system

Diseases are more likely to spread since baterias travel faster in contaminated areas

Corrupted/Unstable Countries

Lack of government funding

Medical facilites will be under-funded

Hospitals will not be able to save as much lives or withstand a virus/bacterial outbreak due to improper equipment


More Casulities

The vast majority of the population will suffer through emotional depression

Leads to mental health problems if the government does not address the people's needs

Decrease in economic efficiency due to a decrease in the labor force

Political unrest which then leads to protest

The government should ensure that the law is enforced. Laws that relates to health regulations are not being enforced enough.

Every year in Africa, there are deaths that are caused due to unsanitary conditions such as Malaria with 500,000 deaths and HIV with 380,000 deaths per year. However, these deaths could have been prevented through finding a better alternative than the current treatment

Organization such as the SMART (South-South Malaria Antigen research Partnership) are developing antigens. This allow each person to develop immunity to malaria instead of getting a vaccine. It is required for a person to get 3 vaccines to be immune. Some African countries, healthcare is not covered. Therefore it is difficult for the people to afford vaccines

At least 45% of Africa is in turmoil right now due to protests such as Nigeria. Civil war has an effect in a country's economy as well. Civil unrest is a result when the population feels that their voices are not heard.