Elementary Mathematics: By Nathan McCormick
Week 1: Base Systems
1. Base systems 1-9 vary greatly in comparison to our standard base 10. It’s important to remember that with base systems the “number” you’re seeing is not a real number but rather place holders that represent the true number.
2. The numbers that correlate with the base will be multiplied by the power that corresponds with the base and the place holder; for example if you have the number 11 in Base 9 it would actually be (1X9^1 +1X9^0) = 10 in base
3. When thinking about base systems its easier to understand with manipulatives such as blocks. Use units, longs, flats and cubes as visual aids to understand each individual basis System. The image below represents the limitations of each base system which can be used to understand what a unit, long, and flat will look like inside of each base system.
Numbers and Limitations of each base systems 1-10
WEEK 2: Binary Code and Mayan Math
1. We began to learn about both binary code and Mayan math. Both of these were obvious segways from working with common bases lower than 10.
Mayan Number system Video
Understanding base systems is all about understanding place values. For example the number 101 in binary code is not one hundred and one- this humber is actually 5.
This is because 1-0-1 are palce holders for 2^2, 2^1 and 2^0. you have one 4 zero 2's and one 1.
We've become so comfortable working with base 10 simply because 10 is a number we see frequently. However these other base systems work the same way. Once you get to the peak of the base you then restart and move onto the next place value and this is true for all base systems.
Mayan numbers are all based of symbols that represent base 20. They more then likely used this base system because of 10 toes and 10 fingers.
Week 3: Order of operations is quite simply the order in witch you do your math. Going against the order of operations will always result in wrong answers
PEMDAS- This stands for parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction. This is one of the more basic orders of operation however it is applicable to all equations.
Problem Solving strategies-
1. Guess and check method
2. Solve an easier Problem
3. Look for a pattern
4. Try a different way.
5. Reflect on the problem and method of use
Addition in Base systems other then 10.
Adding different base systems is all about remembering the place value and keeping in mind the base you’re working in. In base 5 4+4 = 13; this represents 1 five and 3 units.
Week 4: Subtraction in other bases.
Place value is key when working with subtraction in other base systems. As you move from right to left in a problem its important to understand that you will hit the next place value in base 5 much quicker then you traditionally would in base 10. See video tot he right for a example of subtraction in base 6. Watch the video to the right for exact instruction on subtraction of different base systems.
Multiplication- Bulid. Up strategy is most useful when teaching others multiplication. Buildup strategy is take
5x5= 25
5x2= 10
Use visual aids such as dots for full understanding.
Week 5: Exploring divisibility
Greatest Common Facotr and Least Common Multiple
GFC Video
LCM Video
Week 14
Multiplication and Division with fractions
Week 13
Unit Fractions
Week 12: Fractions with pictorials
Week 10
Decimals and percentages
Week 9
Decimals, fractions and percentages
Week 8
Multiplication of Decimals
Week 7
Add and subtracting Real Numbers
Types of Numbers: Exploring rational numbers
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