Equity in eLearning
Ongoing professional learning
gives an opportunity to create and connect to great content and build flexible learning spaces that drive engagement
creates a collaborative environment where people can learn with and from each other
a peer-based collaborative space where learners can come together to work, innovate, learn, and educate — a “space” for people to create, or “make.”
it sparks innovation, creativity, and engagement
Leadership in learning communities
use of web
technological tools
learning and
presents an
entirely new
learning platform
for students
eLearning fosters a sense of community among students, faculty, and staff
Professional knowledge
uses latest online tools and technology particularly their school’s learning management system, or LMS, to help students and parents learn new tools
uses multiple ways of teaching and assessing students
uses innovative technologies and the latest developments in existing technologies to facilitate learning and development.
Professional practice
applying UDL
approach while
technological tools
for creating more
activities, that help
students to stay
empowers students and teachers to connect, learn and grow
Commitment to students and student learning
accessible to all students
accommodate students various needs
promotes self- paced learning
Access to a wide variety of modern teaching/learning/ asssessment tools and resources
Teachers evaluate students performance accurately by monitoring access to the class, observing, reviewing discussion posts and grading assignments.
Assessment activities that align with the learning goals and objectives are designed and developed
Flexible and Collaborative
supports anytime and anywhere learning
improves communication and collaborative skills
Community building
teaches them healthy and productive habits in technology use and digital citizenship
promotes life long learning
Considers individual learning patterns
students get more freedom to learn at their own pace
improves overall learning experience
classes can be structured according to students needs