Jaylene R.


I realized throughout the other presentations that my whole map is based on happiness and doing as much as I possibly can to live a happy and peaceful life.



Law of attraction


I will have an end, I will eventually die, So I will do as I please in order to live my best life before i die.

It is okay to be selfish and put myself before others in certain circumstances. If the situation interferes with my overall happiness and peace, I am allowed to do what it takes in order for myself to remain at peace and content.

Music is my escape from reality but it is also a way to help me face reality, i cherish music of all genres (lofi, kpop, soul, rnb, rock, rap, spanish etc.) with my whole heart.

Anything is possible if I put my mind to it and my grind to it.

Catholic by tradition.



Overall peace

Absitinance until Marriage


Trust between the people who matter to me and myself.

My happiness

My health.

“What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you become.” -Anon

My mentality.


Pray to God

Conversing with the Universe

The Secret. (a book)



Resversing negative thoughts into positive thoughts.

Listing pros and cons of all situations when i debate what decision I should make for and to myself.

Conversing with my self, at the end of the day the only person who it truly there for me is myself.