¿What is it?

Reference Framework

Show the progress made by other researchers in relation to the research problem. It is used to explain background and interpret the results (Munch, 1993), and it include the significant relationship between the theoretical elements (Mendez, 1998).


The framework requires a thorough understanding of the problem with relevant data about the context of the investigation


The concept is an idea that makes the researcher think or generate strategies to create a research project and that will later give explicit form to the problem of research.

The above is based on quantitative research but if we talk about qualitative research it is necessary that the concepts are very clear for the population that will be part of the study.


Select a topic

Search for data

Select data sources

Specify the problem

Formulate the problem

Justify the problem

Identify goals

Build the document

Submit the document
to experts opinion


To justify a research is obligatory to answer different questions like: Purpose, value and novation.

Purpose: explain the advantage of research.

Value: that step explain what is your contribution to the discipline

Novation: why, how and what for the study and the contributions it brings


Research is different because it focuses on having you generate new information of your own, often about a problem that other people have not yet studied.

A research problem is the main organizing principle guiding the analysis of your paper. The problem under investigation offers us an occasion for writing and a focus that emphasize what we want to say. It represents the core subject matter of scholarly communication.

Steps to create a research problem

Describe the problem in detail

What subtopics of that problem can be established and which of them can be investigated?

What has been done about that topic?

Identify lacks in the research knowledge base, make a proposal that meets the need

Establish a question that you consider should be resolved and include where possible who, what, when and where.


The objectives should be specific
and reflect the question that we are asking

Objectives provide a list of goals that will be achieved through the proposed research

It should include ..

All the variables that are being studied

It should state the action that will be carried out to solve the question with an infinitive verb

Space and time limits should be set out

It needs to be measurable, quantifiable and realistic.


Alvesson, Mats and Jörgen Sandberg. Constructing Research Questions: Doing Interesting Research. London: Sage, 2013; Chapter 1: Research and the Research Problem. Nicholas Walliman. Your Research Project: Designing and Planning Your Work. 3rd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2011.

Adom D, Hussein E, Agyem J. Theoretical and conceptual framework: mandatory ingredients of a quality research. International Journal of scientific research. 2018; 7(1).

A Sample Research Proposal with Comments [Internet]. Uh.edu. [cited 3 February 2019]. Available from: http://www.uh.edu/~lsong5/documents/A%20sample%20proposal%20with%20comment.pdf

Khoo, Ee Ming. Research questions and research objectives.. The Family Physician. 13. 25-6. 2005.

Monje Alverez, C. (2011). metodologia de la investigacion cuantitativa y cualitativa (guia didactica). [online] Uv.mx. Available at: https://www.uv.mx/rmipe/files/2017/02/Guia-didactica-metodologia-de-la-investigacion.pdf [Accessed 2 Feb. 2019].

Group 9

Zaira Angarita Rodriguez

María Paula Castañeda Vargas

Valentina Gómez Osorio

Jeisson Moncada Rodriguez

María Paula Taylor Noriega