Heart Disease in Canada

Impacts of Gastrointestinal Disease in Canada

There are many organizations that are helping to improve Gas Diseases. With new technology, we can help reduce suffering and improve quality of life by empowering Canadians with trusted, up to date, science-based information about digestive health and disease.

Gastrointestinal Diseases are very serious harmful diseases that can effect you, and your family. Approximately 20 million people are affected by digestive disorders in Canada each year. Digestive disorders have resulted in over 18 million sick days, account for 10 per cent of all hospitalizations and cost the Canadian economy $18 billion annually through direct health care costs and lost productivity.

Heart Disease Impact
On People

Heart disease is many people across Canada
deal with. Some of these people seem to be
very normal, healthy active people. It is very
difficult to imagine to pain they went through
and the feeling of knowing their body would
change forever.


Heart disease effects many families across Canada, some of the major impacts include: the patient dealing with heart issues may experience anxiety, depression and little tolerance for noises. They also are not able to play with younger family members for long periods of time.

Health Care System

In Canada, the healthcare system is greatly affected by heart disease. It is estimated that heart failure results in direct costs of more than $2.8 billion per year in Canada. Hospital visits due to heart failure have gone up every year for the past several years.


The economy spends around $22.2 billion dollars on heart disease each year. However, there is a big bulk is in failing to recover heart disease patients leading to loss of money due to premature death.


Having heart disease is difficult when it comes to the workplace. Depending on what your job is will determine if you are still able to work. Many people who experience heart disease will have to leave their job.


A person who has heart disease might experience the following symptoms: chest pain, shortness of breath, chest tightness, chest pressure and chest discomfort, Pain, numbness, weakness or coldness in legs. Having heart disease can impact many things in a persons life like family, relationships and thoughts about life.


The media is great way to spread information about heart disease across Canada. Viewers might learn about places they can to receive treatment, or reasons for getting heart disease. With the use of advertisements and articles, the media has a positive impact on the matter.

Impact of Lung Disease on
Canadian Society

The economy struggles heavily from patients struggling with lung disease. It is estimated at $4.3 billion in direct healthcare costs and $12.47 billion in productivity losses annually.

The lung disease epidemic lays heavy in Canada.
In particular, lung cancer and asthma exact an enormous human and economic toll. Lung disease remains to be one of the biggest causes of death.

1 in 5 Canadians struggle with lung disease. COPD is the number 1 cause of hospitalizations in Canada, asthma affects 13% of children and lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for men and women. This contributes to a yearly economic impact of $12 billion.