Immersion in the cloud
In this recent years the storage capacity has
evolved and we can find various of this service
on One Drive,Drop Box and Google Drive this
service are free who wants to register.
The cloud storage, it is liked an eternal memories
this is an increasing of sharing and consumption
of information.Also we can be secure of all the
information because is a secure place.
But this is why we hav to use all the possibles options
to maintain secure because the internet is also a very
easy way to have information of others.
Virtual machine
A program capable of loading another
operating system inside it. An environment
where an operating system used over the
main operating system of the computer. Is
not new hardware, simply has another
system installed in addition to the main.
Some applications to create virtual machines:
VirtualBox, VMWare Workstation, Parallels
Desktop, Hyper-V, Quemu, Xen, Boot camp,
Veertu, Windows Sandbox.

Storage on the cloud
It is very useful for the protection of the information, because in addiotion to having the files stored on the computer, int he cloud we can have them avalible at anytime, just having an Internet connection. When we talk about storage we should take in count the following concepts: BIT, BYTE, Internet Speed( Specially when we are downloading) and The IP adress to access to webs
OneDrive is a cloud storage tool that allows us to acces at the multiple funcionalities to upload and download files. In addition, once our information is in the cloud, OneDrive will allows to share any file and only we have to create a link

Network security
More and more data are being used in our coputer therefore a good security is escencial for you, some tips and tools that you can use to being more secure are:
Backup copies(To not loss archives if somentihing happens, antivirus(To secure your computer from malwares or ramsowares, you should totaly avoid the spam because normally is malicious, do not bring information to stranger people in internet and use firewall to protect your device from unauthorized acces by intruders
Data protection
at some point in life we will have used internet to signfor social
network or registering on various website to download
apps or simply to gain access what we do without knowing is that we spread our personal information in which we lose
control of who will have that information
for this reason we have to have
our data protected so that information is not spreaded
Digital responsibility
The technology is a reality where people are free to express specially in social netwrok such as instagram or facebook, even though we have to be respectufull, ethical, respectfull and responsible to all the thirds parties in the internet
Some dangers all are exposed on the internet are: The grooming( Adul who tries as far as possibleto obtain the affectin and compromising material from the minor) the cyberbulling(Adolecent harassed, humiliated, embarrased or abused trought the internet) and the cyberaddiction( loss of control over the use of the internet)