Marketable Me
Hobbies + Interests

A job you could get by being great at skiing
could be a ski instructor

You could be an animator, graphic designer,
a worker at an art gallery, or an art teacher

A "bike Currier", they deliver packages like
a mail man, but on bikes instead
Watching movies

By working at a movie theater as an
usher, or a cashier
A librarian or a book keeper would be
a great job for people who love books
Strong Work Ethic
I am always organized when working on a
project, and have a process in the way I
work, I also try different environments, and
pick the one that works for me.
I am able to change my schedule if something
is more important than what I have already
planned. I had to move an orthodontist
appointment twice to be able to go to an
I complete things on time, which is one of the
factors in being responsible. But I also watch
my siblings twice a week, which I need to be
responsible in setting fair rules, making sure
they are fed on time and follow the rules my
parents make.
Honest + Reliable
I am very honest, I will always make sure
our customers will always get their mony's
worth. I am reliable by showing up on time
every day, and making sure I finish everything
on time.
Positive Attitude
When I am around people I normally try
to have a positive attitude. When I am at
school I am normally the one who cheers
up my friends, and joke around with them
Multiple Intelligence
Logical-Mathematical 50%

I agree that I am only 50% in thinking
logically, because I do use logic to
determine most things and come to a
conclusion. I have many different
thought processes, and opinions then
what a logical thinker would have.
Visual-Spatial 42%

I disagree with this number, I feel that
I have a better memory, and
comprehend a more visual side of things,
for example when I am studying, I
remember what the study sheet looks like
and how the information is organized.
Intrapersonal 50%

I feel this should be a higher percentage
because I do more things independently
and enjoy doing things on my own rather
then being in a group, I also feel I work
stronger individually.
Musical 38%

I agree with this number, even though
it could be higher, I am not a very
musical person but I love listening to
music and I understand what artists are
saying in their songs if I really focus on it.
Body-Kinesthetic 25%
I agree with this 100%, I don't mind
trying things and figuring out things
physically, but I like being taught the
specific topic and watching video's
Linguistic 58%

I somewhat agree with this because
I think learning, and speaking new
language is interesting. But speaking
in front of tons of people is not
something I love to do.
Interpersonal 44%

This is a good percentage because I
can be outgoing when I want to. Even
though I like working individually, I
love hanging out and working with my
Naturalistic 58%

I disagree with 58% because I do
not really spend a lot of time outdoors
or around nature. I mean I do care
about the environment, but it is not a
necessity for me to be around it.
Who am I?
My name Isabelle McGinnity, I am
in grade 10 and go to David Suzuki
Secondary school. According to
my "Who am I" quiz on
myBlueprint, I am a logical thinker
who prefers to be by myself, or in
small groups.
My Blueprint Quizzes
Learning Styles
Visual Learner
Technical and Trades