Maryan Farah's Community

Dixon Community
what is the common characteristic my community shares?
Well majority for my neighbors are predominately are Somali, we sticking close together,enjoy speaking our language and going to a local restaurant called Istar.
Basic needs or goals my community is trying to reach.
just by looking at the photo of the building its looks quite old and in fact, the competed construction was in 1971 according to '' Since its an older building, its needed a new appeal so they're reconstructing the elevators, entire flooring, to attract more residents.
Problems my community experiences
growing up in Dixon I founded my childhood neighbourhood quite peaceful and normal. till there were pubic rumours that Rob Ford did cocaine near Dixon. This created ideas that young Somalis host drugs and guns

solutions to those problems
since there are many street actions (gun violence, drug trading) that are growing higher throughout the past years. the city has hired much security and stricter cameras, which has created a more sense of the presence of peace, safety, gladness and. the protection for many of the residents that live in Dixon. and limit the threats of illegal activity.
when I tell people where I grow up they automatically think my area is ghetto because of the news broadcast that there cases of social, legal, or economic pressure. Ghettos are often known for being more impoverished than other areas of the city. Yes, there are many people that are struggling financially and use welfare but there are many successful people but chhose to stay close with their relatives or job.
Somali community
common characteristic my community share
many Somalis speak and under fluent Somali and our parents teach the language from a young age. when it comes to fashion many girls wear long stylish skirts, that come in many colours and patterns, however black is the most popular one.
basic needs or goals my community is trying to reach
the best trauma hospitals should send many of their best attending doctors and mentor doctors in Somalia.
plant more trees as it could reduce the high heat climate temperatures
problems my community faces
there are many cases of terrorism in Somalia and there no way it can be stopped. so many had to flee to other countries, just for their safety, and that was the case for my parents. i mean I am happy where I live but however if there was no destruction for the past 30 years, Somalia could've flourished and high developed country.

solutions to these problems
Corruption, poverty, war, hunger, healthcare, education, safety. These are only a few of the problems faced by people in developing countries. if we asked first countries money for a strong and stationary military, they can reduce the sizes of terrorist groups all over Somalia and in return find some peace that could overall with this long period conflict.

Muslim Community

common characteristics my community shares
Ramadan is a religious holiday which lasts a whole month and one in which participants practice personal introspection, prayer and fasting. It is observed by Muslims all over the world. its a happy and peaceful moment, when families are together and strive to have a stronger relationship with God. For my family and many others we go to the mosque and pray magrid prayer, then break our fast and spend quality time together and reflect on our day.
the defintion and understanding of the word haram origination means forbidden, in islam. A certain food that cannot be eaten is pork and many other animals, which is haram even if it's blessed. In Islam you cannot consume any meat that hasn't been properly blessed. So us musllims are are strict where and how the product is made, so typically we would go to a trusted halal butcher store or grocery store, that strictly prepares the meat.
problems my community is facing
in many counties in the world people from different backgrounds, cultures and ethnicity commonly deal with restriction of practising their own religious beliefs and that's sadly for the several cases, that's going on in China. many of my Muslim brothers and sisters are being put into concentration camps out of their own will, being tortured and suffering, by the higher officials governments, oh they wish they can pray and this downfall will be over with but instead, they have an ethical problem, they're mosques are being burned down, none of them can practise their own religion, they turn their original copies of the Quran turned into their own, hoping this will misinterpret their knowledge and history of Islam. yet but for what cost? i live in Canada and I am truly lucky to live in free land that i can practise freely, how does this affect me? I couldn't imagine myself being in a Uighur position, these are my Muslim brothers and sisters nobody should suffer.

solutions to these problems
The best course of action is to protest in front of the Chinese government, to show how serious this ethical problem is. protesting has played an important role, highlighting the ability for ordinary citizens to make their disapproval heard. This type of activism is crucial for creating the groundwork for change additionally show globally how the world sees the protest and engages a large following for the activist.
basic needs or goals my community is trying to reach
having better mosque funding as mainly pre-modern mosques were funded by charitable endowments, so I would i like to see more programs offered for the youth.