The Up Center
The Community Center Movement as a Moral Force
The overall point being made is the affect that it has on surrounding neighborhoods as well as on the community.

This article first speaks on how community center came to be in America.
Antisocial and prosocial children at a community center.

Prosocial behavior is preferred
There was a deep discussion speaking on how community center affect children

There a great change that helps mature children from interacting with one another

This is the link between all the articles. The idea of the need for community centers.
The Up Center being a community center that partakes in community outreach as well as helps with those who are having problems that would fall under social services it helps to know how to deal with all kinds of issues.
Balancing Required Resources and Neighborhood Opposition in Community-based Treatment Center Neighborhoods
speaks on the clear differences between community centers and treatment centers.
The main difference is the medical application of treatment centers
The idea is to have a place where parents feel it is safe for their children to have a good time without worrying.
Fun Place
Safe Place
Educational Place
Black and White Apart: The Community Center in the District of Columbia, 1915-1930

Highlighting the difficulties of cultivating a nice community atmosphere with the Americans dealing with the First World War.
Though the article speaks of a older time period it sheds light on how community centers might be different in communities with different races.