Women's Rights over time

1) What's the message being conveyed?
Can you identify the perspectives being shown?
From who's P.O.V is the story being told?

Think about camera angle to identify why the producers
created the video.

Tab and Enter from your keyboard

What are the relationships being represented?

2) Go back in time: What was the average woman's life before the Women's Rights movement?

Brainstorm ideas with a partner
(Ex: housewife, dependent, submissive)

Share with the class and then
relate it to the video (What has changed and what still needs to change to shape women's values?)

3) In the 1920's what was the women's rights movement about? (say something other than women's rights)

4) What about women's rights across cultures? How are they treated in their country? Have women achieved this movement in their country?

Ex: In Latin America, women get paid lower than the average American woman. This is because of traditional views that are still dominant in Latin America. Being a Latina myself, I have seen this male dominance prevalent in Colombia. When I visited my relatives, my uncle was the one providing for his family and his wife would stay and cook. When he got back from work, he expected food to be prepared for him.

5) Why is it important to understand the impact of the women's rights movement across the world?
Choose a country to discuss their approach on women's rights.

Ex: It is to place importance on not just white women but women of color as well. Their lives matter just as much as white women and it is not discussed enough in our education. Also, women of color didn't achieve the right to vote until around the 1950's - 1960's meanwhile white women achieved it around the 1920's through the 19th Amendment. This suggests that Latina America is progressing at a slower pace than America. This is a Problem because women of color are being underrepresented and that stigma follows them into the workforce. Therefore, it is the reason why their wages are lower than an American woman and it crosses over to the issues with minorities.

How has this lesson shaped your opinions on women?
If not, what are some questions you would like to share?

Overall what are some issues that
linger on today, and how can we improve a woman's image?

Even though Women's rights movement gave women
the freedom to vote and work; what are some underlying issues society still constructs around women according to this poem?

Think about tv shows, advertisements and movies
that objectify women.

What do you think is the author's message about women?

Use the literary elements to answer the question

Use the literary elements to answer the question

How does the poem speak to you?