Becoming a legitimate social worker in todays society can be difficult because of the longterm stress, bad reputation, and the responsibility to make family interference more humane.
Why are social workers looked upon negitively in todays society?
Google Scholar: Social workers and oppression.
APUS library: Articles and Databases search keywords Social work and false and negitive portrayal
What efforts are social workers making to provide humane services to families?
Google Scholar: Search keywords Social Work and supervision
APUS library: Search keywords Social work and humane practice.
What is a social worker?
APUS library: Search in Articles and Databases for key word Social Work.
Encyclopedia: Search in an online encyclopedia for the meaning of social work using the key words social work.
Main topic
What are some of the negative effects of the daily work as a social worker?
APUS library: Search Articles and databases for keywords social workers and long term stress.
Google Scholar: Search keywords Social Work and stress