Tesla's Attic - Book 1 in the Accelerati Trilogy
Nick Slate
Brother of Danny
Caitlin Westfield
No information Found
Mitch Murló
Later gets Crushes on each other
Petula Grabowski-Jones
Danny Slate
Brother of Nick
Why are the Accelerati so evil?
They want to steal Tesla's inventions
so that they can alter destiny to achieve
their own devious ends
21st Century
"I caught a shooting star," Danny said. "Do I get on the news?" - Danny
"Since when did the D.O.D. interrogate children?" - Nick's Dad
Nick's / Nikola Tesla's Attic
Svedbeg's and Sons Fine Jewellers, which later turns into a Starbucks
All of these places are in Colorado Springs, Colorado
What are they facing
The Accelerati
The Accelerati is a shady company with
lots of money and wants to steal Tesla's stuff
The Accelerati was founded by Thomas Alva Edison
Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison were enimies
What the Accelerati wants
The F.R.E.E. (Free Range Energy Emitter)
The Free Range Energy Emitter is,
well, an energy emitter. It was
invented by Nikola Tesla, and was
broken down into pieces to make
it look like worthless junk.
How It Starts
When Nick gets hit by a falling toaster.
Neal Shutterman
Eric Elfman