Triple Crown Anthropology
Noam Chomsky
How diverse factors influence
and shape human behaviour and culture
Chomsky studied linguistic Anthropology
He researched the idea of universal grammar
He also studied sociolinguistics which shows the people
from different cultures use language as a way to express
and have context and meaning
Factors may affect & influence
the way we use language for example,
using professional language compared to using slang
For example, being at work at school
may cause you to say things such as "Mr / Ms"
Being with friends may cause you to use slang
such as "Bro"
We can also be influenced by the cultures we're raised
in and who we grow up around. This would be from the
perspective of anthropology
Although Noam Chomsky studied linguistic
anthropology, we can connect this research back to Franz Boas who is considered the "father" of anthropology. He studied language as central to the newly immersing discipline.
Thesis: Noam Chomsky studied linguistics
at Harvard University. He is known for his
research on transformational grammar.
He also studied the idea that language is
uniquely human.
Chomsky met Zellig S. Harris who had similar political convictions to him. Chomsky was then motivated to finish university and take graduate courses with Harris. Chomsky also observed the research of Rene Descartes from the 17th century.
There are novels and contributions such as “Aspects of the theory of Syntax”, “Necessary illusions: Thought control in democratic studies”, “Syntactic structures” & “The logical structure of linguistic theory”
Recently cognitive scientists and other linguists have done research to prove that children do not in fact follow Chomsky’s idea of grammar but instead vary between children such as learning how to break things up (People, objects, places). With new theories coming out, researchers are now being encouraged to not use Chomsky’s theory to prove their findings but rather to brand off Chomsky’s research to create their own theories.
Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Noam Chomsky. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved March 11, 2022, from
Patterns of human
When looking at sociolinguistics,
It is evident that humans are observant
of their surroundings and are influenced
by others
By using participant observation,
when someone uses a new "slang"
or speaks to someone in a certain way,
it leads to a pattern within people.
For example, If you heard your
friends using a new form of slang
such as "bro" you would then eventually
start saying it swell whether you're aware
of it or not. This will then be passed onto someone
else thus creating a pattern
Another example of this would be addressing a teacher
as "Mr / Ms ____ " whether you were aware
that it was normal to address someone that way, if you saw
an entire class doing it, you would follow the pattern aswell