Tyler AND Dewey's ideas.
John Dewer And Ralph W. Tyler
They had academic preparation, reinforcing their knowledge.
They began their profession in the educational field, contributing to the lives of students with their knowledge.
They made contributions for teaching.
All his research is substantiated through experimentation.
His research and theories are involved and directed to students and teachers.
John Dewey

He was an American philosopher, psychologist and pedagogue considered the most relevant philosopher in his country during the first half of the 20th century.
His pedagogy was based on an education that marked the relevance of factors such as individual skill, initiative and entrepreneurship.
According to his approach, thought is basically a tool that allows people to act on reality, while being nourished by it.
In addition to Democracy and Education, Dewey produced other publications throughout his long professional career. Some of the most prominent are:
- Psychology (1886)
The legacy of Dewey's work has been to leave open an approach for critical reflection on educational models.
knowledge is simply a thought that first passes into action.
The pedagogue conceived the school as a space for the production and reflection of relevant experiences of social life.
Ralph W. Tyler

(1902 – 1994)
was an educator and researcher who developed curriculum theory
For this researcher, the development of a good educational curriculum has to do with posing four different questions that affect the purposes of the center, the organization of educational experiences, and their evaluation.
His main contribution to the field of education was the curricular model, which tried to answer four questions: what educational objectives should try to achieve, how to select the most useful experiences to achieve them, how to organize educational experiences to do so, and how to evaluate effectiveness of teaching.
Ralph W. Tyler did not make many other contributions to the world of education at the theoretical level.
Tyler's model has been harshly criticized for being too linear and directive when it comes to creating a good school curriculum.
For his theory, he asks 4 questions What? How? And for what?