

Insures that the learning objectives and the assessment items match each other

You use logic or common sense to assess validity

Content validity is the easiest to measure

There arent any numerical formulas with content validity

Concurrent Criteria

Given at the same time as
the measure to be validated

Measured by administering both the
new test and the established test to a group of respondents

You must compare the two test scores to see if the new test is valid

Must make sure that the time between the two tests is minimal for better idea of validity

Helps to create a shorter more time efficient test is proved to be valid


relationonship to other information corresponds
well with some theory

You can expect specific alternate assessment scores

Results should match up with your initial theory

There is no measure of future behavior

Predictive Criteria

Predicts future behavior


Must revisit the learner after a period of time to see if the predictions were valid

validity evidence yields numerical
indices of validity