What are wikis?
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A wiki is a website that is collaboratively created by multiple users. It can also be thought of as a collaborative content management system (CMS) for collecting and organizing media that is created and revised by its users.
Why using wikis in class?
*Wikis can help you prepare your students for the 21st century marketplace by developing digital literacy skills
*Wikis support collaborative learning because Wikis can enable groups of students to work together to solve a problem, complete a project etc.
*Wikis promote active learning where students can actively participate in educational activities like writing, discussing etc.
*Wikis can help you create interactive learning environments.
problems and issues with using wikis
Open to SPAM and vandalism
Anyone can edit it
People located in different parts of the world can work on the same document.
Easy to use and learn.

How can wikis be used in education, and specifically in foreign language education?
It can be used as a class home page or a space to organize information and links.
Include the wiki project in your classroom syllabus.
Collaborative annotated bibliographies where students add summaries and critiques about course-related readings
Join the Debate Team
Using a written set of guidelines, teachers post topics that students can argue by using wiki online forums. Teachers will monitor the discussions/debates while students learn online debate etiquette.
Poetry Class
For English class, the teacher can post a poem online and have the students discuss its meaning. Students can also post their own poems for peer review.
Should we use a wiki or a blog?
Examples of wikis