1. Case conceptualization (backup so please rename your copy right away)
The process involves creating a structured and detailed treatment plan that begins with a comprehensive case conceptualization. This includes understanding the referral question, identifying who will judge the outcome, and clarifying the nature and ownership of the complaint.
Examples to consider
McCullough's Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy
Nezu & Perri's Problem Solving Therapy
Lewinsohn's Behavioral Theory
Social skills deficits and a dearth of pleasant activities become treatment targets
Beck's Cognitive Model
(Rumination as distorted thoughts - intervene to help a patients change the content of their thoughts
Behavioral Activation
(Rumination as a symptom of avoidance behaviors - so interventions promote behavioral approach and reengagement with environment
2. Treatment
How will you target biological, psychological, or social variables?
Target is what?
How will you know it helped?
How will that help?
Change/Accept what?
1. Case conceptualization
Key Elements (Persons, 2008)
What is known about the origins of the mechanisms
Identify recent precipitants of current disorders/problems