Career Connections
- Indicate 3 potential careers that maybe suitable for you based on your survey results.
- Ex. An architect, a stockbroker and emergency dispatcher.
- Draw connections between your potential career and your self-knowledge.
For Example:
Career: Architect
Characteristic/Skill: Ability to draw up blueprints
Result of Self- Assessment: Visual Learner
Self-Assessment: Learning Style
Career 3
- Indicate 3 potential careers that may be suitable for you based on your survey results.
- Ex. An architect, a stockbroker and emergency dispatcher.
- Draw connections between your potential career and your self-knowledge.
For Example:
Career: Architect
Characteristic/Skill: Ability to draw up blueprints
Result of Self- Assessment: Visual Learner
Self-Assessment: Learning Style
Career 2
Characteristic of Career
Career 1
Characteristic of career
Assessment Result