In the realm of microwave communications, understanding various factors that impact signal transmission is crucial. Multipath transmission, particularly at low frequencies, is a significant cause of signal fading, occurring when multiple beams with varying amplitudes or phases reach the receiver.
Refers to scenarios where signal is absorbed by rain, snow, ice
• Absorption becomes significant factor above 11GHz
• Signal quality degrades
• Represented by “dB/km” parameter which is related the rain
density which represented “mm/hr”
• Rain drops falls as flattened droplet
V better than H (more immune to rain fading)
Atmospheric (refraction)
Multipath transmission is the main cause of fading in LOW frequencies
Multipath occurs when there is more then one beam reaching the receiver with different amplitude or phase
Electromagnetic signal propagating in a physical medium is degraded
because the various wave components (i.e., frequencies, wavelengths)
have different propagation velocities within the physical medium:
• Low frequencies have longer wavelength and refract less
• High frequencies have shorter wavelength and refract more