Orientación Educativa y Acción Tutorial
Enter your names.
Example: Jane's and Arthur's wedding
Figuras del tutor
When choosing the floral arrangements, pay attention to the season as certain flowers become more expensive and harder to find at different times of the year. It's best to start with the bridal bouquet because you can use it as inspiration for other arrangements.
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Acción Tutorial
When planning a wedding, you might want to first think about your wedding budget.
It's best to have an open discussion about your finances, how much you can afford and the options you have.
PAT (Plan de Acción Tutorial
Lo elabora el Departamiento de Orientación en los institutos
Lo elabora los tutores en Ed. Infantil y Primaria
Organización y funcionamiento de tutorías
Desarrollo del alumno
Hace realidad el derecho a la orientación tutorial
Eje central de la actividad en los centros
Surgió en 1970
Put here the amount you estimate youwill have to spend on your wedding.