Categorii: Tot - electronics - modern - buildings - resources

realizată de Shane Enos 6 ani în urmă


Science Final

Mining plays a crucial role in maintaining the conveniences of modern life by providing essential materials for constructing buildings, manufacturing electronics, and developing technologies.

Science Final

Earth is just a little tiny speck in a enormous universe. It took billions of years for our planet to form enough just so that we could actually live here and survive. Only a fraction of that time was what we humans have and are living in right now. Eventually humans as an entire species will be wiped out, just as everything else in the universe shall.

Science Final

How has the Earth changed over time?

Page 61 (Birth of Earth), Page 56 (The Big Bang), Page 25 (Active accretion), Page 31 (Dynamic Earth), Page 34 (Lava Surfers), Page 35, 36, 37 (Earth history closing) - Dinosaur pictures - Pangea - The space where Earth formed - Moon forming picture - Earth forming documentary

Pangea, the super continent

The space where Earth formed

The moon forming

Earth at the start of its life

The Earth forming is like many adolescents as they grow older. We constantly are growing and changing in more ways than one. Some are getting smarter, others stronger, others wider, but we are all changing in the ways that we think constantly forever until we take our last breath. That's where we relate to the Earth, it will be moving and changing until it gets destroyed. Another cool way of looking at it is that conflicts help people form as well, just like when the moon formed, it did also assist in the formation of Earth. People say that they don't like change, when everything is changing always.
Over billions of years the Earth has gone from the size of a small particle, to the size it is today, and maybe even bigger than today in the past. We can find the oldest rocks on Earth using stratigraphy, we now know that tectonic plates are driven by convection. The Earth has always been the Earth, just in many different forms and technically is still constantly changing as the days go by.

How do humans affect Earth's systems?

Page 46 (Carbon Cycle), Page 43 (Wolves and Whales), Page 42 (Earth Systems Feedback), Page 41 (Soil and the four spheres). - columbus pic - Underwater habitat - image of planting
Humans affecting Earth's systems is just like how America was founded, because essentially that's what happened. There were indians in the soon to be thirteen colonies, and more civilized beings came and took control. We do that with more and more systems and ecosystems every day. We don't have to, but we impose more and more, affecting more and more, sometimes for the good, sometimes it's not for good purposes. That depends on who you ask.

We affect everything, and we always have.

Humans cure diseases.

Someone planting to better the environment

example of a habitat

Humans do so much to the environment that in more ways than one you can remark that they sometimes make or break an environment. The four spheres of Earth all work together to make Earth the wonderful place that it is, biosphere being one of them. Examples of feedback recorded everywhere in the ecosystems. Humans and the environment go hand in hand and we should fix environment. Throughout the life of Earth the climate has changed drastically over time, but as of recent it has been rising faster than ever.

What is the Earth's place in the Universe?

Notebook pages 63 (Space Closing), 61 (Tour the Solar System), 60 (Birth of Earth). - Galaxy image - Mars size compared to Earth - Young star - Sun image
Our place in the universe is very similar to where a common person takes place in society. If you reach for the stars and push limits that have been seen as unbreakable than you may be able to make yourself know but hundreds, maybe even thousands or millions of other beings. With our universe, if there is life than our goal must be to find it, and to find other habitable planets and inhabit them, but first we must reach for the stars and soar to the heavens.
A star at the beginning of its life

NGC 6946, a distant galaxy

Surface of the Moon

Earth vs Mars size comparison

Our sun

Claim w/Evidence:

Is mining essential for modern life?

Resources - Gold, a good conductor of electricity picture - Cell phone detailed picture. - Empire state bulding picture - Industrial National Bank Building - Limestone picture
Page 13 (How do Earth materials change), Page 8 (How are Earth materials found), Page 7 (The Rock Cycle)

A smartphone piece by piece

Gold, a good conductor of electricity

Industrial National Bank Building

Empire State Building

A good way of thinking of this is thinking of it as if it's a sport. Do you need to draft new people to win? Probably. You don't have to draft new players to play though, just like how we don't need to mine to live, but to stay current and on top of things, we do have to keep mining all of the resources that we use to make technology and to make buildings.
Claim w/Evidence
If you want things to stay modern, then it's quite obvious that we'd need these kind of materials. On the other hand, is mining essential for L I F E, no not at all. Most of our buildings are made out of metals and minerals, same goes for our electronics, cars, planes, bicycles. These basic materials are what makes modern life modern, we wouldn't however need it to survive.