Categorii: Tot - medical - education - university - goals

realizată de Akshat Grover 7 ani în urmă


Unit 1 Activity 2 - Destination Guide Book - Akshat Grover

The path to becoming a doctor involves a series of educational and professional milestones. Initially, it requires achieving high marks in high school, aiming for valedictorian status, and completing the International Baccalaureate (

Unit 1 Activity 2 - Destination Guide Book - Akshat Grover

Unit 1 Activity 2 - Destination Guide Book - Akshat Grover

Background Information

Tools & Skills Required To Reach End Goal Tools -Need 3 Science Credits -Extra curricular activities -In depth knowledge in chemistry and biology -Some experience in the field through community service hours -Extensive knowledge in general Skills - Leadership skills -Curiosity -Craving for knowledge -Positive attitude -Time management

-I am a student in CHCI IB Program -Achieved Honor Role In Grade 9 -Take Part in Extra Curricular activities -Wanting to take part in a job in the medical field -Wanting a job pay above $100,000 a year at minimum -Goals are to complete IB and achieve high marks -Have taken extra credits and 3 sciences

What Are Your Opportunities? Engineering Medical Field Social Sciences Or Jobs Related To Math & Science

Requirements For This Job 1. Completing Pre Medical for at least 4 years 2. Medical School as desired job of Doctor for 4 years 3. 3 sciences to get into pre medical school and achieve high marks 4. Complete 4 year residency as desired job 5. Pay and complete -There is a large demand for this job and costs at least $200,000 to become a doctor -Demands to stay on top of work, receive high marks and complete requirements -Rewards of this job are very large as it provides job security, large growth, high pay and improvement

Timeline To Goal

2020 -Finish Highschool -Finish IB -Apply to University Pre Med -Valedictorion of 2020 graduates -Get accepted into University of Toronto
2024 -Finish Pre Med at McMaster University -Finish all required tests for Medical School -Apply for Medical School for Doctor (get accepted) -Collect money for tuition -Job in field or part time -Community service help -Buy a car -Place to move in

2024-2028 -Receive high marks in med school -Continue to collect tuition fees -Complete med school as a doctor -Study for exams and tests final -Happy to finish med school at 26 years -Graduate from med school at University of Toronto

2028-2032 -Complete residency as a doctor -Work and receive pay as a doctor in Grand River Hospital -Pay off any debts -Finish off paper work and end student application -Apply for job as a doctor

2033 Reached End Goal

Main Career Goal Family Physician - Medical Field

Plans To Achieve This Goal 1. Achieve High Marks In High School to be accepted into top level University 2. Aim for Valedictorian and completing IB Program 3. Receive high marks in university to attain into medical school 4. Stay on top of tasks and be determined to reach end goal 5. Short term loss equals long term gain