Категории: Все - innovation - engagement - collaboration - customers

по MONICA CORTES 9 лет назад


Digital Marketing

An effective social engagement process involves several stages: content consumption, curation, creation, and ultimately, collaboration. Collaboration serves as a crucial link connecting colleagues, customers, and the broader business objectives.

Digital Marketing

Conclusions: =There is a distinct social “engagement” process: Beginning with content consumption, it continues through curation, creation, and collaboration. The final stage—collaboration—can be used to form an active link between you, your colleagues, and your customers. =Operations and Marketing teams must work together to create the experiences that drive conversations. The Social Feedback Cycle is the articulation of the relationship that connects all of the disciplines within your organization around the customer experience. =Collaboration—used to connect customers to your business—is a powerful force in effecting change and driving innovation. =Collaboration is, in this sense, one of the fundamental objectives of a social business strategy.

CONCLUSION: Social CRM is a business philosophy: It refers to the tools and technologies used to connect your customers and influencers into the forward looking, collaborative processes that will shape your business or organization as you move forward. Where your traditional CRM system is transaction-centric—defining customers in terms of behaviors related to past purchases or interactions—Social CRM is about tapping “what’s next” from their point of view. Like traditional CRM, Social CRM is most useful when applied at the business (operational) level. Influencer identification programs—whether targeting bloggers specifically or consumer/enthusiasts and similar influencers—can be automated, with the resultant conversations routed directly into your organization and to the people where it can be most effective. Look for automation, workflow, and contact management.when selecting social media analytics and influencer identification tools. Your employees are an integral component of your social business program. Implementing a knowledge-assimilation-and-sharing platform can beneficiallyimpact the ability of your organization to respond to customer-generated innovation.

sOCIAL MEDIA AND SOCIAL TECHNOLOGY: Applied at a deeper business level for the purpose of driving higher levels of customer engament.

The new Role of customers and tools that support the new expectation of an opportunity to talk back to the brand, so to speak, and shape future experiencies and interactions.

Digital Marketing: Drives the creation of demand using the power of the internet and satisfies this demand in new and innovative ways

Build your Cannel:

SEM: its a term used to describe the various means of marketing a website via search engines and entails both organic search engien optimatizion and paid search strategies. ORGANIC SEARCH: is based on unpaid natural rankings determined by search engine algorithms and can be optimized with various SEO PRACTICES. PAID SEARCH: You can used paid search to maximize your coverage on the engines result page. PAID SEARCH: Takes a lot of time and effot/ a lot resources/ a lot of management/Its something you really need to invest in. Note: There are three main elements of a paid search campaing: KEY WORDS, ADS, LANDING PAGES. How paid search Works : There are three ways: PPC, QUALITY SCORE AND KEY WORDS MATCH TYPES( EXACT MATCH, PHRASE MATCH AND BROAD MATCH. NOTE: The only way to optimize your campaing is by using the metrics and reporting that google provides. There are four basics metrics that are important for paid search: IMPRESSION: its a single intance of your ad beind diplayed when someone types in the search keyword for it. CLICK: Is an instance of a viewer actually clikcling on your ad once it has been displayed. CONVERSION: Is an instance of a viewer tha saw your ad clicked on it, and took the action you intenended for them to take once they got to your landing page. SPEND: is simple the amout of money tha you have spend on your camping so far.
SEO: Search engines Have two major functions: Crawling and Building an index, and providing search users with a ranked list of the websites they´re determined are the most relevant. Crawling and Indexing Crawling and indexing the billions of documents, pages, files, news,nvideos, and media on the World WideWeb. Providing Answers Providing answers to user queries, most frequently through lists of relevant pages that they've retrieved and ranked for relevancy. Conclusions: One of the most important elements to building an online marketing strategy around SEO is emphathy for your audience. The search engines constantly strive to improve theri performance by providing the best possible results. For search engines that crawl the vast metropolis of the web, links are the streets between pages. Using sophisticated link analysis, the engines can discover how pages are related to each other and in what way.
Usability: is a quality attribute that measures how easy are the interfaces the user will use. The word "use" also refers to methods for improving usability during design
Before you start: Know why you are building a website Know who your website is for
Build an effective website: Your website is yourr place of business.
The main Steps of building your web site: Planning Design Testing Responsive web design Deployment.

Defining your Digital Marketing Strategy

Understanding the digital consumer The digital consumer revelead. Making the web their own. I don´t know you and you don´t know me. Key traits of te online consumer: -Digital consumers are increasingly comfortable with the medium. -They want it all, and they want it now. -They´re in control. -They´re fickle. -They´re vocal. Using influencers to helps spread the word: the influencers have the virtual -ear of the online masses. Mind your PS: place price product promotion= ( Your Website, SEO, PPC, Affiliate/ Performance marketing and strategic partnerships, Online public relations, Social Media, Email marketing, Mobile marketing, Customer relationship managment, Content marketing, Display media,. Eyes on the prize. Bringing it all together. Use the build block tecnhniques: Porter´s Five forces analysis: Helps to determine the competitive intensity and attractiveness of a marketing. SWOT: Strengths- Weaknesses- Opportunities- Threats.
Laying Strong digital foundations: Know your business. Know the competition. Know your customer. Kow what you want to achive. Know how you´re doing?

Understanding Digital Marketing

The TCEO Model: Think, create, engage and optimise.
Measurability: Understanding how people and technology intersect- Circles back to the notion of creating and satisfaying customers at a profit.
Segmenting and Customising Messages.
Digital Audiencies: Helps to understand the relationships
Crowd sourcing: Connects people, builds communities, spread messages.


Speak: Get closer to consumer: Using the internet as a communications tools for in boud, out boud and social comunications
Sizzle- Extend the brand online: Using the internte as a brand building tool. Online value propositions COVPs
Serve: Add Value: Using the internet for customer srevice and adding value ( Engagement)
Save- Save Cost: Using the internt to increase effiency and so reduce costs.
Sell: Grow - Sales : Using the internet as an additional sales channel to reach and existing customers.