Ethos Barroco
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La opción Capitalista de la modernidad
Esto no incita solamente a un
SALTO CUALITATIVO En la definición misma de lo que es ese rendimiento
SALTO CUANTITATIVO En el rendimiento de las fuerzas productivas.
Este modo de aprovechamiento, determina la consistencia de esta modernidad.
El modo en que se lleva a cabo este aprovechamiento.
La civilización provecha el incremento de la productividad.
Add a consolidation strategy
Review each of the highest-ranked strengths facing your organization, and compare them with each of the highest-ranked threats.
- Are they connected in some way?
- Is a strength helping to protect you from a threat?
- Could the impact of a threat increase if you do not maintain this strength?
For example, if you have recognized specialist knowledge that gives you an advantage, but there is a threat that new technology could decrease your market, then it would make sense to develop the same level of specialist knowledge in new technologies.
Esto aparece cuando aparece la "neotécnica"
Add a consolidation strategy
Review each of the highest-ranked strengths facing your organisation, and compare them with each of the highest-ranked threats.
- Are they connected in some way?
- Is a strength helping to protect you from a threat?
- Could the impact of a threat increase if you do not maintain this strength?
- Could you decrease the potential impact of a threat by further improving a strength?
For example, if you have recognized specialist knowledge that gives you an advantage, but there is a threat that a new technology could decrease your market, then it would make sense to develop the same level of specialist knowledge in new technologies.
La modernidad en su propio conflicto
Ampliación de la escala y la aceleración del funcionamiento de una civilización.
Add a containment strategy
Review each of the highest-ranked weaknesses facing your organization, and compare them with each of the highest-ranked opportunities.
- Are they connected in some way?
- Is the weakness preventing you from taking advantage of an opportunity?
- If the weakness gets worse, does this push the opportunity further away?
For example, if there is unmet demand in the market, but you have old and slow production equipment, then you cannot take advantage of this opportunity. A containment strategy would be to improve capacity with newer equipment.
¿Que es el Ethos Barroco?
Add a survival strategy
Review each of the highest-ranked weaknesses facing your organisation, and compare them with each of the highest-ranked threats.
- Are they connected in some way?
- Is the weakness helping a threat to exist?
- Could the impact of a threat get worse if the weakness gets worse?
- Could you reduce the impact of a threat by improving the weakness?
For example, if a strong competitor is a threat, and unhappy customers are a weakness, then your customers might simply move to your competitor. A survival strategy would be to work on improving customer satisfaction, not as a side-effect of doing something else, but as a direct action. Otherwise, the survival of your organisation might be at risk.
Es un movimiento cultural y artístico que se desarrollo en Europa y sus colonias.
Add a survival strategy
Review each of the highest-ranked weaknesses facing your organization, and compare them with each of the highest-ranked threats.
- Are they connected in some way?
- Is this weakness a threat?
- Could the impact of a threat get worse if the weakness gets worse?
For example, if a strong competitor is a threat, and unhappy customers are a weakness, then your customers might simply move to your competitor. A survival strategy would be to work on improving customer satisfaction.
Significa inicialmente "guardia, lugar donde habitan los animales, o morada, lugar donde habitan los hombres.
Ethos Barroco y mestizaje
Para finales del siglo XVI, los españoles nacidos en América, los criollos descendientes de los conquistador, se sentían repudiados por España
Se desarrollo en America en medio de una vida cotidiana.
Apareció un acontecer central. Mas que a través de la realización de una "copia creativa".
Seria entonces una teatralidad absoluta. A experimentado una transformación decisiva.
El Ethos de la modernidad
Son estrategias que caminan el comportamiento humano en dos direccione sdiferentes
O por el contrario, a escapar de ese destino a fin de que experimente su negatividad pero no su omnipotencia.
Sea adaptar al sujeto social a la negatividad de un destino omnipotente o experimentarlo invertidamente como positivo
Consiste en una estrategia elaborada espontáneamente en la vida cotidiana.