Google provides an extensive suite of tools designed to cater to various needs, from simple web searches to complex educational tasks. Google Drive allows users to share content and create documents collaboratively, while Picasa helps manage and edit images.
A mix of helpful utilities for everyone and it offers not only one of the best web search engines, but also other tools and apps which can help students and teachers find what they need.
Google tools are completely free and they offer a wide range of opportunities for everyone, you have access to tons of information and we encourage you to use them on a daily basis. Don't be affraid to try these free tools, sometimes the answer is closer and easier to find than you think.
Google Tools
For interacting with others
Google Classroom:
*Collaborate and work with your students
and teachers in this virtual environment
Google Plus:
*Keep in touch with your friends
*Create different circles of contacts
*Share audio, video and texts
*Experience web design adding images,
texts, video and audio to your own web page
For Creating
Google Drive:
*Share content
*Create common papers
such as: brainstorming, texts and interactive materials
*Manage and edit images
Google Calendar:
*Organize your life and create virtual agendas
For Searching
Google Alerts:
*Get notified by mail with further topic findings
Google Scholar:
*Find Articles and important papers for students
Google Books:
*Find books to buy or download
Google Goggles:
*Search for authors and sources of images
Google News:
*The most important and
current events in the world
Google Earth:
*Geographic purposes
*Encyclopedic Information.
Google Images:
*Search for images
*Full of sizes and other search criteria
Google Translate:
*Find translations
*Listen to Pronunciation