Категории: Все - feedback - preferences - geography - usage

по Manuel Bleve 2 лет назад


How old are you? A) 10-15 B) 15-20 C) 20-25 D) 25-35 F) 35-40 G) 40-50 H) 50+

The text is a survey designed to gather demographic information, geographic location, and user preferences regarding Linen Wallet, a cryptocurrency wallet. Respondents are queried about their age, gender, and place of residence.

How old are you?

A) 10-15
B) 15-20
C) 20-25
D) 25-35
F) 35-40
G) 40-50
H) 50+

How old are you? A) 10-15 B) 15-20 C) 20-25 D) 25-35 F) 35-40 G) 40-50 H) 50+

Are you: A) Male B) Female C) I prefer not to answer

Where do you live? A) United States Europe B) Australia C) Cina D) Sud America F) Africa G) Russia H) India I) Philippines L) Other (Please specify)
How did you find out about Linen Wallet? A) I'm a Republic investor B) Google search C) Youtube D) Reddit F) Friends G) Other (Specify)

How would you describe Linen Wallet? A) It is a non-custodial wallet B) It is a custodial wallet C) I don't know the difference

(If Not A) Thanks! Don't worry. Not knowing the answer is not a problem! Linen is a non-custodial wallet. Nevermind! Moving on to the next question: Have you ever used one of this product before? If so, which one? A) I've never used any of these B) I've used other similar products (Please specify) C) Coinbase D) Crypto.com F) Binance G) Nexo H) Metamask I) Trust Wallet L) Exodus

(If not A) Are you still using some them? If so, which ones? A) I'm not using any of them right now B) Coinbase C) Crypto.com D) Binance E) Nexo F) Metamask G) Trust Wallet H) Exodus I) Other (Please specify)

(If A) Thanks! What do you like the most of Linen Wallet? Why do you use it instead of other wallets? (This must be an open question so as not to influence the answer in any way)

(If not A) Interesting! What do you do with them that you can't do with Linen Wallet? A) Using different chains (Please specify which ones) B) Stake Crypto C) Earning Yield D) Other Reasons (Please specify)

Thanks a lot, this will help us improve the product to better suit your needs! Moving to the next question, what do you like the most of Linen Wallet? Why do you use it in addition to other products? (This must be an open question so as not to influence the answer in any way)

Have you ever heard about seed phrases? If so, what do you think about it? Shall there be another way of recovering your wallet?

(If A) Thanks! Have you ever used a crypto exchange? If so, which one? A) I've never used a crypto exchange B) Coinbase C) Crypto.com D) Binance F) Kraken G) Nexo H) Other (Please specify)

(If A, skip this question) Are you still using a crypto exchange? If so, what do you use it for? A) Buy and store crypto B) Buy crypto and send it to my non-custodial wallet C) Swap crypto D) Earn Yield F) Other (Please specify)

Thanks! Have you ever used a non-custodial wallet other than Linen Wallet? A) I've never used another crypto wallet B) Trust Wallet C) Crypto.com Wallet D) Metamask F) Exodus G) Coinbase Wallet H) Other (Please specify)

(If A) Thanks! What do you like the most of Linen Wallet? Why would you recommend it to a friend? (This must be an open question so as not to influence the answer in any way)

(If Not A) Thanks! Are you still using other non-custodial wallet in addition to Linen Wallet? A) Yes B) No

(If B) Thanks! What do you like the most of Linen Wallet? Why do you use it instead of other wallets? (This must be an open question so as not to influence the answer in any way)

(If A) Interesting! What do you do with your other wallets that you can't do with Linen Wallet? A) Using different chains (Please specify which ones) B) Stake Crypto C) Earning Yield D) Other Reasons (Please specify)

Thanks a lot, this will help us improve the product to better suit your needs! Moving to the next question, what do you like the most of Linen Wallet? Why do you use it in addition to other wallets? (This must be an open question so as not to influence the answer in any way)

Thanks! May we ask how did you choose your crypto wallet? What were you looking for? What resources did you use to find relevant informations? (This must be an open question so as not to influence the answer in any way)

Thanks! What crypto assets do you own or would like to own?

Thanks! What motivates you to invest in those assets?

Thanks! How did you discover and decide to invest in those assets?

Have you ever heard of Web3? If so, what do you know about it?

What do you think about seed phrases? Shall there be another way of recovering your wallet?