Категории: Все - performance - songs - voting

по Tyler Gingles 5 лет назад


Lip Sync Battle

A lip sync battle is organized where two groups compete to determine the best performance. Participants select songs that resonate with the audience, use links for song lyrics, and practice their acts thoroughly.

Lip Sync Battle

Lip Sync Battle

Put the winners pic on a doc
Once the vote is done present the winner
have the audience vote for the winner
Present contestants for voting


Final point
The winners are chosen and the grand prize was awarded to the winner
we competed in a lip sync battle to see who is better
it began with each other to competing to decide a lip sync battle

Main topic

Find photos, videos, links to support the play
lyrics link: Lyrics - https://genius.com/Survivor-eye-of-the-tiger-lyrics YouTube link: https://YouTube/results?search_query=eye+of+the+tiger
find songs that can relate to others
Sing songs

Key Point

Lyrics - https://genius.com/Survivor-eye-of-the-tiger-lyrics
Practice performing the song
YouTube link: https://YouTube/results?search_query=eye+of+the+tiger
Lyrics- https://genius.com/Dj-jazzy-jeff-and-the-fresh-prince-fresh-prince-of-bel-air-lyrics
Youtube Lyrics-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nCqRmx3Dnw&t=1s
The Fresh-Prince of Bel-Air
Eye of the Tiger Song


Vote, prepare, schedule
Two groups will lip sync battle to determine the winner of the competition
Introduce the winners
Include links to videos, pictures, songs, etc.
Two teams will lip sync to see which group is the best