Категории: Все - languages - rocks - climate - wildlife

по Gurtaj Malhi 6 лет назад


Lowlands and Highlands

Canada's diverse regions exhibit a variety of languages, climates, wildlife, and geological features. The Western Cordillera, Appalachians, and Interior Plains are predominantly English-speaking, with pockets of French and other languages.

Lowlands and Highlands

Natural Processes

This region is mainly affected by the ocean currents and wind masses. some forest fires also happen near the mountain range.
There are a plethora of fires located in the southern area of the region and actually cover the entire province of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba; however, the fires don't actually continue into the Northwest Territories and stop completely at the border.
There are many Forest fires concentrated in the lower area of the Region, near the coast further away from the coast. However, towards the northernmost section of the region, the fires diminish and become less common.

Languages spoken

Mostly English and French and the rest is any other languages.


Mostly English, with some French and the rest is any other languages.

Current glaciation in canada

Population Density

Natural resouces

Large trees and mountains.
Lakes, rivers, coast of Atlantic ocean results in tidal activity.
Hundreds of fossils, oil, salt, lush tall grasses. Water is scarce.

Types of Wildlife

In the Western Cordillera, there are animals like the mountain goat, rocky mountain elk, bighorn and stone sheep, and the grizzly and black bear are common throughout the land.
Animals such as mule deer, pronghorn antelopes, brown bears, and wolves are very common in the interior plains.


In the northernmost corner, animals like bison, wolves, and moose are common. In other areas, animals like the black bear, white tailed deer, and wild boars are common as well.

Economic activities

Western Cordillera

White-water rafting, tourism, hydroelec-tricity.
Fishing, Tourism.
Wheat farming, oil pumping, Wind energy.

Nuclear activity


Interior plains

In Great bear lake, in the northwest territories, uranium, a large ingredient in the process of making atomic bombs.

Western cordillera

No nuclear activity.

Natural Vegetation of Canada

Clim-ate of Can-ada

Types of rocks in the different regions. sedimentry-yellow. igneous-blue, metamorphic-red

Glaciation in the regions 18000 year ago

Land form regions


The Appalachian Region lies between St Lawrence lowlands to the northwest and the Atlantic Continental Shelf to the east and South west. Like other mountain regions , its terrains a mosaic of uplands and lowlands, the characters, boundaries and shapes of which reflect the complexity of rocks and structures.

Interior Plains

The Interior Plains of Canada encompasses the region between the Canadian shield and the Western Cordillera. The plains are distinguished by vast expanses of sedimentary Bedrock consisting mainly of consolidated shales, siltstones and sandstone's.

Western Cordlillera

The Cordilleran region comprises a series of mountain belts some 500 miles wide along Canadas Pacific coast.The Cordillera includes plateaus , valleys and plains as well as rugged mountains.