по Bethany Graham 17 лет назад
Больше похоже на это
The conent on the left is reformatting the content on the right (plus new content from the reading). Hopefully the content on the left is more organized for you to add to.
political work
Long-Tail, niche markets can findtheir people
access to situations with NGO'sthey neve had before
can be local yet open to largergroups beyond physical neighborhood
enable women to pursue projectsnot easily accomidated in localenvironment
lateral/horizontal communication
‘center’ can assume several geographic forms,
centrality being constituted in electronically generated spaces.
highly specialized circuits connecting sets of cities
center can extend into a metropolitan area in the form of a grid of nodes
operating simultaneously at the macrolevel.
no longer a simple relation btw centrality & geographic areas as downtowns, or the central business districts
not simply a continuation of older patternsof spatial concentration
firms rather than large corporate headquarters which are at the core of economic global city functions.
specialized service firms more place-bound than the hypermobility of their products
headquarters to locate anywhere so long as they can access a highly specialized networked service sector somewhere
highly standardized products/services see an increase in their locational options
urban centers provide the mix of resources and the social connectivity
meaning of information
technical infrastructure can be reproducedanywhere, but no the social
non-standardized data sets
requires social infrastructure
strengthen importance of central coordination and control
geographic dispersal of economic activities
economic activites are both centralized, e.g. Franfurt market and dependent on global networks e.g. Frankfurt market
ok im fairly lost in this map but...the effect of digital on material is to amplify liquification. that which is material is made somewhat less material...saskia's example is real esatte
This section is from the first couple pages, whcih seem to act as an intro. Maybe it is good to keep it this way, my thought is that at the very least it could use some reordering.
non-comm. work dominatesteh internet
e-space is crucial for new formsof civic engagement
financial inst.
less production of software aimed at strengthening the openness and decentralization of the Net
Internet software design focuses in the last few years has been on firewalled intranets for firms and encrypted tunnels for firm-to-firm transactions.
indicator of transformationsbtw e-space and physicalinstitutions
decentralized access
cheaper the delivery ofaccess the more access tolower income peoples
network power is notinherintly distributive
cross-border network of global cities
To continue to think of this as simply local is not very useful.
lack any meaning or referents if we were to exclude the world outside cyberspace.
Today material world hashypermobile components
financial markets
real estate
100 years ago place-boundedness = form of immobility.
Digitization = amplification ofliquifying of what is not liquid.