Категории: Все - agriculture - policies - recycling - economy

по Sahra Siyad 2 лет назад


Transitioning into a-human-and-environment-focused economy will allow Hamilton, Ontario, to become a sustainable society where Hamiltonians and their children can age successfully.

Embracing a sustainable future for Hamilton, Ontario, involves adopting a circular economy model where waste is repurposed as a resource. This transition promises a society where both the environment and its inhabitants flourish.

Transitioning into a-human-and-environment-focused economy will allow Hamilton, Ontario, to become a sustainable society where Hamiltonians and their children can age successfully.

Cradle-to-cradle processes: Waste = resource

Resource decoupling

Transitioning into a-human-and-environment-focused economy will allow Hamilton, Ontario, to become a sustainable society where Hamiltonians and their children can age successfully.

Policies and Regulations

Wage policies
Job guarantees
Living wage mandates

Degrowth-focused social sustainability

Universal basic income
Resource-use regulations
Residential greywarer recycling requirements
Pay-as-you-waste program
Stormwater fees
Emissions regulation tools
industrial waste bans (i.e., chemicals)
carbon tax
citizen tree-planing grants
tax breaks for energy efficient properties

Green Investments

Emergency housing
Housing Cooperatives
Public transportation
Hamilton cycling and walking infrastructure

Impact and resource decoupling

Hamilton Bike Share (sobiHamilton)
Expanded HSR and LRT routes
Decent, fair and inclusive jobs
Skills development training
Community-owned renewable energy
Solar energy

Greening the economy

Economic Circularization

Agribusiness and Food sector
Biomimicry strategies

Emissions decoupling

Goods movement sector
Energy and resource Recovery
Advanced manufacturing sector
Creative industries sector
Dematerialization (Service or Products)

Moving away from a growth-focused economy

Ecological economic strategies
Workers cooperatives
Participitary budgeting
Following post-growth progress indicators
Human Development Index

Socially and environmentally sustainable economic growth

Genuine Progress Indicator
Decoupling growth and inequality
Inclusive green policies
Fair trade
Conscious consumerism
Investing in household green infrastructure
buying and using less

Innovative Approaches

Waste management
Recycling infrastructure
Reusing and recycling food waste
Regenerative farming

Controlled grazing

Organic Farming

no GMOs or fertilizers


Closing nutrient loops


Planting trees on farmland

The Swedish targeted forestry model
Urban tree canopy targets
Wastewater management
Wastewater recycling
Wetland restoration
Wastewater heat recovery