The Bengal Tiger, classified under the genus Panthera, is a remarkable member of the Felidae family and thrives predominantly in India, particularly within dense vegetation and savanna regions.
-They have striped fur and the pattern of the tigers' fur matches the shadows through the trees, allowing them to blend into their environment.
-Their eyes (specifically their retinas) helps them see better in the dark so they can spot prey and dangers more easily
- Their incredibly good hearing helps them to communicate with other tigers over long distances and hear their prey more clearly.
-They have large teeth and very long retractable claws, both of which help them to hunt.
behavioral adaptations
-Moving into areas with dense vegetation because the kind of animals that they eat usually live there
Fun Facts
-They have night vision
-They can run up to 60km
-They are blind for the first week when they are born
-Their brain weighs up to 300g
-To mark their territories they scratch trees