av Cole Dahmer för 5 årar sedan
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I can make what I like
I can relate to a celebrity or musician if I share the same style/shoes as them
They help alter my appearance in a positive way to other people
I can spend time with friends and family to watch a game
Able to support a team and become attached emotionally during wins and losses
Volunteer Hours
Looks good for jobs and univeristy
I can coach my brothers
Teach younger kids and take a new approach at the game
Helped me gain confidence when I got "feedback" from the parents and I kept to my decision
Able to understand the game better
Helped me become better as a player
Dads side is German
Moms side is Scandinavian and Danish
Have had family that fought in both WW1 and WW2
Influenced me to take an interest in history
My family support me when I want to do new things
They paid half for my trip to Italy in March
My friends playing sports with me
Increased chemistry and overall makes me a better soccer player
Influence on my life
Consider new perspectives
Relates to my value of style
I enjoy representing the bands and artists I like
Relatable lyrics can be de-stressing
I value how school has helped me realize what I want to do in my future (business)
I value having the knowledge due to school to be able to achieve post secondary one day