Type in the name of your organization and press Enter.
The question that investors will ask is How will you turn your forecasts into reality?
Having identified your product or service, and the demand for it in the market, how will you reach that market?
2000 Plantas
List the ways that you can reach your market segments. Examples include:
- Retail locations, your own or others
- Direct sales representatives
- Online presence
- Email, SMS and telephone calling
- Newsletters and leaflets
- Social media and word of mouth
- Shows and exhibitions
- Press coverage and reviews
- Advertising in newspapers, radio, television or specialist publications
Espécies endemicas
Add a description of your market research.
What market research have you done to identify the best routes to market for your particular segment?
- Where is the best place for your target segment to find you?
- Where is the best place for you to find your target segment?
174 Mamíferos
156 Aves
127 Répteis
44 Anfíbios
325 Peixes
You will need credible forecasts of profitability and strategic benefits if you are proposing investment in your business.
Sem a mata ciliar, que é desmatada pra dar lugar a pastos e plantações, os rios começam a acumular mais sedimentos, o fenômeno chamado assoreamento. O resultado disso, é o desaparecimento de nascentes e a perda de profundidade e força das correntes de agua que inundam o Pantanal.
Com menos água chegando até o Pantanal, o período de secas ficam mais intensos e mais longos.
How will your balance sheet change as a result of this initiative?
- What new assets will you gain?
- What liabilities will you take on?
- How will the ownership of equity change?
Add a key point from the balance sheet forecast.
Cientistas estimam que se o desmatamento continuar no ritmo atual, 10% da vegetação nativa dos planaltos será perdida até 2050.
O Pantanal tem características únicas, por isso é considerado pela UNESCO como uma das reservas de biosfera mundial.
Desenvolvimento Sustentável
Investors will ask: how well do you know your customers and your market? Your business plan should show that you are targeting your market by well-defined segments and are focused on creating value for customers.
Maior controle no processo erosivo do solo
Diminuiria significativamente o efeito estufa
A natureza teria seu lugar de volta
As pessoas teriam menos problemas pulmonares,
dermatológicos, cardiovasculares, etc..
Although the executive summary appears first in the document, it is easier to complete it last, when you can summarise and prioritize the key points in your plan.
Médio e Longo prazo
Adoção do consumo consiente
Demarcação de terras indígenas
Criação de mais unidades de conservação
Aumento da fiscalização ambiental
Adoção de políticas ambientais públicas mais rígidas
Add the key points about the track record of your team and your capabilities.
Curto prazo
Financiamento para alimentação e água dos voluntários e animais
Apoio com grandes empresas
Pressionar o poder público para agirez com rapidez
Add short descriptions of the key products and services which bring your mission to life and are making it happen.