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Fianna Fail
Fine Gael
Michael Collins, Arthur Griffith, Rory O'Connor, Erskine Childers and Cathal Brugha
Civil War ends
New Leader Frank Aiken and De Valera called for a Ceasfire
Liam Lynch, leader of Irregulars is killed in Tippary Mountains in April
Decided to use Irregular prisoner to clear road blocks
The Kerry/March Attrocities
5 irregular prisoners were shot in the legs and strapped to a mine each then blown up near Cahersiveen.
4 more prisoners blown up in Killarney
8 Irregular Prisoners blown up by landmine in Ballyseedy
5 free state soldiers killed by a booby trap bomb in north Kerry
Sean Hayes, TD, shot by Irregulars, retaliation shootings carried out
Kevin O'Higgins order execution of Rory O'Connor his best man
Possessions of guns could get you executed
Collins gave Erskine Childers a gun/ still shot
77 killed
Public safety Bill
Military Courts/Councils
O'Higgins becomes minister for Justice
WT Cosgrave becomes head of free state
Collins killed in Beal na Blath
Signals the start of the atrocities
Funeral attended by both sides
Coffin shipped out to Dublin
Both sides respected him
Reaction of unbelievable proportions
Arthur Griffith is Killed of a brain haemorrhage
Collins solutions
Ships troops into Limerick Waterford Cork and Kerry by Boat
Munster Republic
All anti treaty forces use guerilla tactics south of a line from Limerick to Watford
Collins become Commander-in chief
Free state increase soldiers to 60,000
Breaks out in Dublin
Regulars take control Of Dublin
Cathal Brugha killed
Thought his dead might stop fighting
Anti Treaty forces were driven out
Free State fire on 4 Courts with British 60-pounder artillary Guns and after 32 days they surrender Civil War begins
British tells Collins that if they dont solve it, they will bring troops
Sir Henry Wilson murderd in Northern Ireland
De Valera breaks peace treaty
The Vote
Other 14
Unionist 4
Labour 17
Anti Treaty 35
Pro treaty 58
People of Ireland vote for the Treaty
Rorry O'conor and irregulars take over the 4 courts
Tries to make Peace Treaty with irregulars
Collins does not attack
Irregulars raid Clonmel barraks
Large supply of guns and ammunition taken
De Valera takes other barracks for Republicans
Collins takes some British barracks to build up Free state Army
Led by General Mulcahy
British Troops start to leave
Dan Breen, Tom Barry Cathal Brugha, Austin Stack
Kevin O'Higgins
WT Cosgrave
Richard Mulcahy
Arthur Griffith Becomes new president
De Valera resigns and walks out
7 votes decide it
64 vote for
57 vote against
Many didn't agree with the partition
Didnt have full independance
Stepping stone
Refusal would end in war
Bitterly divided over the terms
The Dail debates the treaty
De Valera is furious
Govener General
Any decision/new law can be overruled by him
Cobh (Spike Island), Berehaven (West Cork) and Lough Swily (Donegal) kept by England
Same Status as Canada
Partition of Ireland kept
Decides the boundary of Ireland and the north
Boundary Commission
The Threat
Collins signed
Lloyd George threatened an invasion if they didn't sign
Several proposals
First Proposal
There was no agreement here
De Valera sought an Irish Republic
Lloyd made it clear that the King would be Head of State and Ireland would bee partitioned
Lyod George
Brugha, De Valera and Stack refused to go
King George V called for peace
Bad Publicity in British and World press
Financial and political cost OF sending troops
Ireland was in an economic collapse
IRA was running out of bullets
Martial Law Spreading
Britain was gaining upper hand
All Catholics kicked out of jobs
More catholic deaths
Catholics with very little (2/6)
Majority of seats were Protestant (4/6)
More Protestant Jobs
Catholics are discriminated
Less in Catholic areas
More canidates in Protestant ares
IRA owtlawed
Susspected IRA members of were Imprisoned without trial
Treated Catholics harshly
part time police force
Royal Ulster Constabulary
Mostly protestants
Ulster agreed, Sinn Fein did not
England in charge of defense, budget and foreign affairs
They're in charge of dometic things
All TD'S swear Oath Of Allegiance to King
Control all trade and foreign policy
Own Army, Flag, Stamp, Passport and currency
Still part of British Empire and King still Head of State
Not a republic
26 counties: Irish Free State
Truce called in 1921, 11 of July
Talks in England with Eammon De Valera/Sinn Fein
King talks to Lyod George
IRA losing bullets and guns
British people embarrassed of the atrocities
De Verla and Michael have a Argument
80-100 men captured or killed
They burn it
100 IRA men attacked the Custom House
25 MAY 1921
Ends with 10-40 British casualties and the IRA escaping with 3-6
1300 British soldiers trap IRA memebrs
19 march
1 parliament in Dublin, one in Belfast
North and South
Partions Ireland
Bayoneted hoses to stop firemen doing their Job
Black and tans were supposedly Drunk
Embarrassed the British Government
Black and Tans burn Cork City Centre to the Ground
1 man killed in Cork city during ambush
According to Tom, he called a ceasefire, and 2 people were shot dead by British
Tom Barry leads 36 Volunteers and Kills 18 Auxiliary's
Auxiliary's being really annoying
Event Shocked even the King Of England
30 People were killed at the end of one day
Mutilated 2 Irish men in Dublin Castle
Killed 14 men
Mike Hogan
Black and Tans head to Croke Park
The Squad killed 12 members of a Brittish Group called Cairo Gang
He is hanged
Women's at walls begging for release
The Pope and USA try to get Reprive
Sentenced to Death
Was arrested for being near the scene of 3 brittish murders
18 year old Medical Student
Terenece McSwiney takes over
Became a world wide figure
Dies on Hiunger Strike in English Jail
Thomas MacCurtain, Mayor of Cork was murdered by RIC
Houses and Creameries burned
Prisoners executed
Black and Tans became harassers to the local population
New soldiers
Auxiliary soldiers are a worse branch of the Black and Tans 1920
Auxiliary made up of former military Officers
Mainly former soldiers
They were given 10 shillings a day
13,000 came
Called Black and Tans due to Tan Pants and Black Jakets
Winston Churchill hired Black And Tans 1919
Some Irish Ric Members decide to leave
Guerilla warfare
Had no Uniform
Led by Local Men who knew lay of land and ho could hide
Flying columns
no longer believed in blood sacrafice
would not fight in open
Using ambushes and dissapear
Raids for amunition and guns
They would attack and then disappear in crowd/countryside
hit and runs on RIC Barracks
They disappeared in the crowd
Cathal Bruagh/Minister of Defence
Countess Macreviz/Minister of Labour
Authur Griffith/ Minsister for Home Affairs
Michael Collins/ Minister for Finance
De Valera/ President of the Dail
35 in total didnt show
Sinn Fein: 73 seats/Home rule:6/Unioists:26
This won them sympathy
Tom ashe died after being force fed while on hunger strike
Politicians arrested by British for dealing with germany
All young
Home rule lost all 4
Sinn Fein win all 4
there were 4 by-elections between 1916-18
Eammon De Valera becomes President of Volunteers and Sinn Fein
Michael Collins and Eammon de Valera becomes important leaders
he now wanted an Independent Irish republic
Sinn Fein blamed for rising
De Valera was not executed as he is an American citizen
14 people executed by firing squad in Kilmainham
Countess Markievicz sentenced to life
1800 people sent to Frognoch wales
Anger of a food shortage
Martial law and curfew still imposed
Known pacifist killed by British
Between 1916-18, more and more Sinn Fein candidates emerge
1918 Sinn Fein won general election
Sinn Fein destroyed Home rule party
Some soldiers released (Michael Collins, Eammon De Valera) join Sinn Fein
Griffith wanted home rule but changed his mind after rising
300 civilians
157 soldiers
64 volunteers
Thomas ash attacks Ric station in meath
Liam Mellow leads 600 volunteers against RIC stations
at 12:45pm
All Leaders taken to Killmaonhaom Jail
Nurse O'Farrell walked down O'Connell street with white flag
They agree to an unconditional surrender
Pearce witnesses innocent people getting killed
O'Rahilly killed blocking an escape
Padraig Pearce makes inspiring speeech
GPO in Flames
South Dublin Union was pinned down
James Connoly wounded in ankle on Thursday
Mendicity Centre taken on Wednesday
General John Maxwell was appointed Commander of British forces in Ireland
Gun Boat Helga shells Liberty hall and GPO
Battle Of Mount Street
Best result of the war
17 rebels killed 220 soldiers
Looters take to street, some are shot
City Hall retaken
British put snipers on Trinity College to fight rebels in royal college of surgeons
They declared an Irish republic on a worldwide transmission
On Tuesday 2,000 soldiers arrived in Dublin
General Lowe
Rebels attracted Little support from the citizens of Dublin
Martial Law and Curfew introduced
Cordin around Dublin
Didn't Take Train stations, and trinity college and Dublin Castle
Moved to various locations around the city (Four Courts, South Dublin Union, Jacobs Factory and The Royal College of Surgeons)
They then took GPO
Rebels killed Lancers trying to take GPO
Pearce read about the Proclamation outside GPO
The First Outpost was City Hall
puts advertisements about their orders being rescinded
Hanged at Pentonville prison
Captured and taken to England
Caesmant arrives on Banna Beach
Weapons scuttled in cork Harbor
The ship, the Aud, arrived in Kerry
Casement goes into submarine
Tried to bring 20,000 rifles from Germany
wants to help Ireland get freedom
British Diplomat
the Military Council forged a document Called the Castle Document which said that Britian were planning to disband the IVF.
if the british went back on their promise about home rule
If Conscription occurred in Ireland
the British arrest the leaders of the IVF
Padraig Pearce speech
the fools, the fools, the fools
Married Grace Clifford on eve of execution
In Jacobs Factory
Revived rising
Explosives Expert
In South Dublin Union
Founder of IVF
Founder of ICA
Believed in Blood Sacrifice
thought their deaths would inspire Ireland
Protected workers from IRC
employed blackleg workers
"Anyone on your staff that is in that union was locket out"
employers didn't like that he wanted to hire more people
Tram driver stop working
Eoin McNeill opposed to Irishmen fighting abroad
10,000 men stayed
John Redmond supports Irish men fighting abroad
110,000 men join up
Ship called Asgard brought by Erskine Childers
25,000 rounds of ammunition's
900 rifles
120,000 members
5,000,000 rounds of ammunition's
35,000 guns
House of lords allowed to delay acts for 2 years but not veto
2nd Home rule Bill is 1893
Defeated in House of Lords
Passed in House of Commons
First Home Rule Bill is 1886 by Charles. Stewart Parnell and PM Gladstone and the Liberal party
Defeated in House of Commons
mainly Catholic
Irish Republican Brotherhood
Would use Physical force to get a republic
Complete independence
Small secret group
John Redmond
Didn't want complete split with Britain, but rather home rule
Leader of Home rule Party
Sinn Fein
Then decided that they would absente from parliament if they make it
First wanted Home rule
Small Party
Founded by Arthur Griffith
mainly Protestant
mainly north-east Ireland
sought steady change through sharing power and wealth
Leader John Redmond
governed in the interests of the rich and Liberal
Edward Carson and James Craig
Carson was elected MP for trinity college