A sentence is a complete sequence of words that conveys a thought, whether partial or complete, and can take the form of statements, questions, exclamations, requests, or commands. Various examples illustrate the structure and usage of sentences, such as casual dialogues about daily activities or reactions to events.
"Grass is green", and "2 + 5 = 5" are propositions.
The first proposition has the truth value of "true" and the second "false".
A proposition is a sentence expressing something true or false .
A proposition may be related to other units of its kind through interpropositional relations, such as temporal relations and logical relations
A sentence is a grammatically complete string of words expressing a (partial) complete thought. A sentence can include words grouped meaningfully to express a statement, question, exclamation, request or command
JOHN: "ouchh" look at that car accident
JOHANNA: Oh my god
JOHN: We should go
JOHANNA: uyyyy nooo, I don´t want
An utterance is the use of any piece of language by a particular speaker on a particular situation. It can be in the form of a sequence of sentences, a single clause, a single phrase, or just a single word