Kategorier: Alla - feedback - audience - criticism - communication

av Nguyen Joanne för 6 årar sedan



Joanne Nguyen emphasizes the importance of employability skills, particularly in the areas of accepting and giving constructive criticism, effective use of body language, and overall communication.


- Knowing how to improve quality of work - Learning from “mistakes” - Allows discussion with other people - Allows growth as a person - Builds stronger bonds - Deeper connections


- Easy to help with customer needs - Cooperative skills - Giving what people request for - Welcoming first impression - Help others discover their strength and weaknesses

- Planning for the future - Able to develop strategies - Anticipating interference - When thinking in advance, it allows full evaluation of the task that needs to be accomplished - Prepared for upcoming events

- Great team worker skills - Good impressions on those that are surrounded by the individual - Shows leadership skills in difficulties - Positive attitude attracts people

- Learning to appropriately dress - Advantage when engaging in an audience -Great presentation performances -More people would want to be engaged with you in conversation - Proper body gestures give great first impression


Not only I learnt new content like more types of learners and learning styles but I have learnt more about my stuff. For example, I did not know “environmental learners” was a thing and what surprised me more was finding out I was one because now it makes more sense to what kind of person I am when working.



Accepting constructive criticism & giving feedback

I love accepting constructive criticism because I learn from other people of what I can learn from myself. A personal connection I can make is receiving feedback from teachers whether it is verbal or getting my work back.

A current activity I am doing to develop this strength is reading and taking in feedback I receive from anybody. For example, I read report card comments and as well previous work so I know what to do better next time

I would like to improve on giving feedback back. This is something I want to be on because there are times I don’t give feedback to it’s best potential. For example, there are people that can’t take constructive criticism when they ask for it because it’ll hurt their feelings and I’m too nice for that. A personal connection I can make is giving my own friend feedback like on evaluation but knowing they can get hurt easily.

Understanding the needs of the person you are with

Understanding the needs of a person is a strength of mine because to me, it’s a key to grow as a person and with a person. Understanding the needs of the person can strengthen the bond that is already there. For example, the skills I get from communicating needs and concerns, will make any relationship stronger.

At school, understanding others while doing group work is important because when my group and I are completing tasks, the progress is more efficient when achieving goals. For example, understanding roles and who’s responsible for work gets the work finished accurately and quickly.

I would like to improve on my communication skills. I want to better my skills because there are moments when I don’t feel comfortable talking about my feelings because I feel uncomfortable but I need to take the opportunity I have to talk to somebody. A personal connection I can make is ranting to my friends whether I don’t feel included. For example, in new classes. How I would like to improve on this strength is reminding myself that I need to get my feelings out because it’s better to not hold it in.

Keeping calm in the face of difficulties

School is the most common place for me to face difficulties. For example, a difficulty I come across is keeping up with workload that is handed in summer school. I understand that everything needs to be crammed to meet a few weeks duration but it does stresses me.

A personal connection I can make is when I am doing volunteer work, I keep myself calm from dealing with difficult people that I come across.

How I keep calm is keeping a positive mind. I motivate myself knowing the exam isn’t isn’t going to last forever. When the exam is over, I love to treat myself like eating a bag of chips while watching Netflix.

Thinking through in advance what I want to say

This is a strength for me because I do this so often that I can’t imagine myself blurting everything out when i talk or writing homework and homework. I think in advance before I speak/write to ensure my answer is understandable and comes out the best of its ability.

How I have been developing this skill is by participating in business class when we do debates and being in a debate club. I am trying to persuade the target because I want to win. By participating, this allows me to think before I state something and these activites last quite a while.

I hate being embarrassed so thinking in advanced before I say something can avoid the embarrassment. For example, I like to think about my answer before I say something wrong when participating in class to the teacher and classmates.

I want to improve on this and to do so is by talking slower and listening for key, important points then small points so I can get the most important points out of the way. For example, the small points can lead to my mind wandering somewhere else rather than keeping engaged in the conversation.

Using body language/dress/conduct/speech/effectively. How I feel when I am using body gestures, proper dress code to give an impression, speech while talking is triumph.

A current activity I am doing now to develop this skill is by simply going out to practice different outfit combinations. In my free time, I like to look at fashion inspiration for fun so I do have ideas in my mind when the occasion arises. For example, I usually look for outfit inspiration for the season so if I’m going out for something casual in the summer, I’m going to dress appropriately.

I use my tone to add an element of understanding when speaking. A personal connection I can make is that currently, I am volunteering at the YMCA. I work with kids in the gym so I use a calm but loud tone when talking to kids.

I am a quiet person so getting my voice to reach the back of the room can be a struggle. How I can increase the volume of my voice is by practicing. Practice make perfect. I can get friends or family to stand/sit a long distance from me in a reasonably sized room to test if I am hearble from a back of the room.

Using body language is a strength of mine because this is a great way to express feelings when words fail. I do this on a daily basis. I use gestures with my body when my words fail to express my feelings.

A personal connection I can make is I was taught to use space and movement to get a point across rather than words because it engages the audience. For example, I have done a monologue and using body language too, grabs the audience into a deep connection.

When I am presenting to an audience, I feel so nervous because I hate being up on stage when the attention is on me which leads to okay performance. For example, my slideshow itself can be fantastic but if I am stumbling across my words, that deducts marks.

How I can move less is when I am I looking at the audience before I start, I remind myself to plant my feet in the ground and I remind myself why. I remind myself that it’s distracting to the audience.



Also known as interpersonal skills, what this smart is is understanding the feelings of others as well needs, cooperative when working in groups, enjoys presenting, great social skills, and being outgoing as well thinking outside the box. This being my third result shocked me because I do not fit the criteria for this smart!

For example, if I was given to choose individual work or group work, I would choose individual. I find it more efficient for me to work alone because, I don't have to rely on other people to complete their part of the work and finishing it as soon as possible.


Musical smart ranking second for me is not a surprised because I really do love music. For example, it is hard for me to go a day without listening to music! Music helps me focus. This smart is shown when I am singing to music too myself, my love for listening to music, or when I am tapping to a song with my feet or hands.

For example, dancing to the rhythm in my dance club expresses my musical strength as well myself. We do a variety of dances like hip-hop, contemporary, and ballet because for example, this club is an opportunity for me to express myself through different tempos. To prove I really do have this musical intelligence, I took an extra step in life by ensuring I still have my passion for music as well learning.

Not only music helps me physically but mentally. I find myself it is easier to focus on doing tasks whether it is homework or in the car. How music helps me doing homework is by blocking out background noise because I am from a family of five which can get loud sometimes. Also, it keeps my ears busy with something I love. Music keeps me calm and my favourite genre of music to listen to is R&B.


This is my strongest strength. I am not surprised that this was my number one because I find a lot of joy in physical activities. This strength shows proves I am always an active person that enjoys moving around and has quality motor skills ranging from flexibility and agility, You will most often find me walking a lot, dancing, and playing a lot of sports.

I participate in all of this because it brings me happiness and being with friends or family makes it a whole lot better. For example, I have been awarded athlete of the year at my grade 8 education and gym subject award in elementary school. How I have worked this hard is by always not giving up when an obstacle comes my way, making my perseverance stronger and also setting reasonable goals for myself to improve on athletic abilities.


My Results
I have mixed results from both activities. This shows my weakest is auditory. I am not going to rely on a quiz to determine who I am because internally, I believe I am a visual learner.

For awhile now, I have known I am a visual learner which is my strongest learning style. I am going to use this strength and help me with my learning by optimizing my strategies. How I am going to do this is to ask other visual learners what do they do to be successful in school academics. Not only I am going to ask and most importantly learn from others, but working in group projects with other visual learners would make collaboration smoother because we all understand each other’s learning needs. Strategies that I am currently using to help me succeed is asking for clarification when I don’t understand something, adding colourful visual aids to my notebook for notes I take for classes, making concepts in my head, and allowing time for myself (reflection) to fully grasp information that just been taught.

Results from an activity on My BluePrint
Results from the assignment about Learning Styles
There are 3 common types of learning styles!
Reader/Writer and Environmental learners

Environmental Learners

There are two types environmental learners. Some learners prefer the quiet workspace or loud workspace. An example of a factor that can contribute to the working environment is temperature.

Reader/Writer Learners

Reader/writer learners are people that read aloud and information to be placed in writing. For example, writing in an agenda or another type of daily tracker helps them to be organized.


Those who have a kinesthetic learning style, they understand from hands-on activities. They work well with physical building like for example, models.


Those who have a auditory learning style, they understand from what they hear. For example, they have no problem taking verbal instructions.


Those who have a visual learning style, they understand from what they can see with their eyes. Visual aids help too. For example, teachers that draw and write on the board to explain verbal lessons are helpful to visual learners.


What does it mean that I am a left brain?
I prefer to use the right side of my body which means I am left brain dominant. When I am making decisions, I will be most likely to use logic but it does not mean I would be using intuition in some situations. This makes a lot of sense because the left side of the brain has traits like intellectual, analytical, and serious but the right side of the brain has traits like creative and artsy. As I have mentioned before, I use my left side of the brain but I will sometimes will use the right side of my brain.

For example, I am more likely to use logic when working on academic assignments for school. If I am working in a group project and a group member wants to change something whether it is information or time to work on it, I would heavily think about what decision is going to be the right one but also smart and can work for everybody. Therefore, this is bringing out the intellectual side out of me because I am collecting all the data I know and thinking about “what ifs” so my group and I can come out victorious in the end.

There are situations where I would use my intuition like for example, 50/50 decisions. If I am given an option to choose something, I like to go with my first instinct feeling. When I am doing a quiz that has truth or false and I have NO IDEA what to choose, I go with my first instinct because it’s usually right anyways.

What this means is that my left brain is the one that's more in power because I do everyday things with my right side of the body.

Because I am left brain dominant, there are a few activities that I do that is controlled by my right side of the brain:

I get better sleep when sleeping on my left side

My left foot is used first when dancing and tumbling (doing pump-turns and roundoffs)

Controlling a hockey stick

Folding arms

What I use my left brain for:

Reaching for objects

Sitting in the right side of the car

Physical activity (kicking, batting, serving)

Using utensils to accomplish tasks (writing, cooking, bathing, getting ready)

I really do enjoy learning science hence making me good at it and I could see why I am more left brain dominant but there are some activities I prefer to use my right side of my brain especially for the arts because I find it more comfortable for me. For example, when I am tumbling or taking a step, I use the left side of my body which makes me right brain dominant. The right side of the brain is known as the “creative” side and the left side of the brain is known as the “analytical” side.
What is your brain?
Your brain is the control system that allows different parts of your body to function. For example, controlling your arms when typing on a keyboard.

Right Brain











Your left brain is in control of your right side of the body. Your right side of the brain controls that left side of your body. For example, because I write with my right hand that means the left side of my brain is controlling my hand.

Left brain

Effects if damaged:





Responsible for:










PERSONALITY (True Colours)

From doing this activity, the result came back that I have a blue personality!
There are four colours when finding out which colour you are!
From doing another quiz, I am 40% ambivert, 40% extrovert, and 20% introvert.

These results make sense to me because I love meeting new people and talking to them but sometimes I prefer to be by myself even if I am in a room full of people. I speak my thoughts to my closest friends but there are times when I prefer to write out my feelings. I am quiet once you first meet me but after several minutes, I'll never be quiet in front of you ever again :)


Introverts are people that prefer to be alone. They reserve their thoughts to themselves as well are quiet. They have great writing skills.


Extroverts are outgoing people that can be found everywhere! At school, extrovert people love talking and have great presentation verbal skills. These people are sociable to as well the love to speak their mind.


An ambivert is the mix between an extrovert and introvert. They can be outgoing some times but other times they prefer to be alone.

So, what is a blue personality? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWQgxQDZ2o4

Summary: People that are blue personalities are people that the type to be more intimate and they know how to create relationships. The colour blue is the colour of tranquillity.

The following weaknesses apply to me :)

Feelings rather than logic

Most times what influences my decisions is the feeling I have for it. For example, I love the idea of doing a video of an assignment but it might be the most logical choice if I have a strict deadline. What I would like to improve on is to remind myself that putting logic when decision making is the way to go. I can I achieve this is surrounding myself with other people that can help influence me by making logical choices by giving me an open mind to other ideas.

Not liking routine

How this affects me day to day life is not being on track of daily habits like for example, drinking enough water. Things come in my way when I am trying to carry out a routine like a morning one. What I would like to improve on is keeping focus regardless what happens. How I can achieve this is by trying again daily until one day I can get through a full routine without anything going wrong.


How this affects me day to day is I am sensitive to media that is goal to make you emotional. For example, whenever I watch a sad scene from a movie, I'll just bawl my eyes out. What I would like to improve on is crying less whether it is from media or letting my words come out to something that has been frustrating me. How I could improve on this is staying strong when watching content and to let all my words out before my tears could.

The following strengths apply to me :)


Personal connection: What makes me loyal is how I view the beauty of the bond I built with the person The beauty I see is endless memories together as well a connection. This makes me to stick by the person's side through thick and thin.

Good Communicators and Listeners

Personal Connection: What makes me a good communicator and listener is the connection I build with the person through engagement. For example, when I am volunteering at the YMCA, I understand the needs of the child so I know exactly how to help them. This is one of my employability skills too.


Personal Connection: What makes me a motivational person is the encouragement I give to other people so they can succeed. Also, I motivate myself to finish tasks. For example, summer school work and what motivates me is the strict deadline.


Personal connection: I am an honest person. I don't like lying because whenever I do, it makes me feel untrustworthy. Also, I am pretty bad at lying. What makes me an honest person is telling the truth all the time which builds trust between me and the person.