av Sabrina D'Aversa för 6 årar sedan
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NOTES: Pictures present throughout the "B role", transitions placed to switch from picture to picture.
"Why I Want to be a Teacher" Script #2
When considering my a career and becoming a teacher, I couldn't think of a more fulfilling way to spend my life.
I want to become a teacher because I want to make a positive impact on the lives of my students. As a teacher, you are responsible for shaping your students by broadening their minds and modelling the value of education. I want to encourage students to learn in ways that best suit their needs, I want to help them distinguish what their goals in life are and I want to have a part in inspiring our society's future.
Being a teacher allows you to establish yourself as a forever student. I love to learn, and what a better way to continuing learning than becoming an educator? In the classroom, I will not only be a source of knowledge to my students, but they will be my teachers as well. With each generation, students and student learning is changing. Through my students, I can learn new teaching styles to not only improve my practice but also increase student academic achievement. Aspects in life are continuously changing and learning from the young generations is always a great way to stay on track!
Becoming a source of knowledge to someone other than myself is a central motivation in my desire to become a teacher. Helping my sister overcome challenges associated with her Autism showed me that I loved to teach. My volunteer experience working with Grade 2 students only further confirmed that I was meant to be a teacher. Helping students, teaching them strategies and watching them get a right answer and complete tasks on their own because of what I taught them is such a rewarding and gratifying experience.
"Why I Want to be a Teacher" Script #1
Attending Tyndale University and enrolling in the Bachelor of Education program has allowed me to reach my lifelong goal of becoming a teacher. I've wanted to become a teacher for as long as I can remember and can truly say that I have a love of teaching and a value of education.