Good Conversations
Bible as Literature
How does the use and study of the bible as literature guide how we understand the bible and how it relates to our current day lives?
Digging Deeper: The Bible
Yes please!! And lots of it! This is what I never had the chance to do in church growing up. Could we even tackle some entire books of the Bible? (I did that in college - but it was not intended to be a faith discussion, rather a academic one. I would like to try this using more than my mind.)
the OT "tough" stories - ex. the flood, Abraham and Isaac
Main topic
Being Presbyterian
Who are we beyond committees and being one of the many "frozen" mn denominations?
Curious about:
Spiritual Practices and rituals that can help me integrate reflection on my faith more regularly into my everyday life
What is on my mind
The Sovereignty of God - I hear people speak of this, but do not fully understand its theological consequences theoreticallt or practically.
we talk about God being love - But I see just as much emphasis on justice (a dynamic, radical justice) in both the OT and NT. How do these two relate and interconnect?
Real Life - making the connections
Evangelism - a progressive christian model
I want to talk more about
How we/tools to decide/discern how to interet scripture? How do we decide what parts of scripture are "relevent for all time" and what is "relevent to the culture in which it was written" and what does that mean for now we read/are guided by/ study scripture.
dynamic interfaith reconciliation - going beyond "all our interfaith problems are solved because we have had dinner together"
Current Events
Conservative Christianity seems to be the only one talking so far as politicians are conncerned. How can the progressive church reclaim its voice and effectively assert a stance that is not made for soundbytes?