aws products and services
Learning, Satellite, Robotics, Media, Mobile, Storage AWS offers a comprehensive suite of products and services across various domains. In the field of machine learning, it provides tools such as AWS DeepRacer, Amazon SageMaker, and TensorFlow on AWS, enabling users to build, train, and deploy models efficiently.
aws products and services End User Computing Amazon WorkSpace Amazon Worklink Amazon WorkDocs Amazon AppStrean 2.0 AWS Cost Management Reserved Instance Reporting AWS Cost and Usage Report AWS Budgets Cost Explorer Aplicatioan Intergration Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) Amazon MQ Amazon Simple Queue Service(SQS) AWS Step Functions Analistics AWS Data Pipeline Amazon Managed Streaming For Apache Kafka Amazon EMR AWS Lake Fortmation Amazon QuichSight Amazon Kinesis Amazon CloudSearch AWS Glue Amazon Redshif Amazon elasticsearch service Amazon Athena Compute VMware CLoud On AWS WAS Serverless Application Repository AWS Outposts AWS Lambda AWS Fargate AWS Elastic Beanstalk AWS Batch Amazon Lightsail Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service Amazon Elastic Container Service Amazon Elastic Container Resgistry Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Amazon EC2 Media Services Amazon Kinesis Video Streams AWS Elemental MediaConvert AWS Elemental MediaPackage AWS Elemental MediaStore AWS Elemental Appliances & Software AWS Elemental MediaTailor AWS Elemental Medialive AWS Elemental MediaConnect Amazon Elastic Transcoder Internet Of Things AWS IoT Analytics AWS IoT 1-Click AWS IoT Device Management AWS IoT Events AWS IoT SiteWise AWS Partner Device Catalog AWS IoT Things Graph AWS IoT Device Defender AWS IotT Button AWS Greengrass Amazon FreeRTOS AWS IoT Core Management and Governance AWS Config AWS CloudTrail AWS License Manager AWS Organizations AWS Service Catalog AWS Personal Health Dashboard AWS System Manager AWS Trusted Advisor AWS Well-Architected Tool AWS OpsWorks AWS Managed Servies AWS Management Console AWS Console Mobile Aplication AWS Control Tower AWS CloudFormation AWS Auto Scaling Amazon CloudWatch Customer Angagement Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) Amazon Connect Mobile Amazon Pinpoint AWS AppSync AWS Device Farm AWS Amplify Business Aplications Amazon WorkMail Amazon Shime Alexa for Business Robotics AWS RoboMakes Developer Tools AWS CodeDeploy AWS CodeCommit AWS CodeBuild AWS X-Ray AWS Tools and SDKs AWS Command Line Interface AWS CodePipeline AWS Cloud9 Amazon Corretto AWS CodeStar Game Tech Amazon Lumberyard Amazon GameLift Blockchain Amazon Managed Blockchain Satellite AWS Ground Station AR And VR Amazon Sumerian Security, Identity & Compliance Amazon Cloud Directory Amazon GuardDuty Amazon Macie AWS Certificate Manager AWS Directory Service AWS Key Management Service AWS Security Hub AWS Shield AWS WAF AWS Single Sign-on AWS Secrets Manager AWS Resource Access Manager AWS Firewall Manager AWS CloudHSM AWS Artifact Amazon Inspector Amazon Cognito AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Machine Learning Amazon Forecast Amazon Lex Amazon Personalize Amazon Rekognittion Amazon Translate Amazon Transcribe AWS Deeplens AWS DeepRacer TensorFlow On AWS Apache MXNet on AWS AWS Inferentia AWS Deep Learning Containers AWS Deep Learning AMIs Amazon Textract Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth Amazon Polly AmazonElastic Inference Amazon Comprehend Amazon SageMaker Networking & Content Delivery Amazon CLudFront Amazon Route 53 AWS App Mesh AWS Global Accelerator AWS Transit Elastic Load Balancing(ELB) AWS Direct Connect AWS CLoud Map AWS PrivateLink Amazon API Gateway Amazon VPC Database Amazon Redshift Amazon RDS on VMware Amazon RDS Amazon Timestream Amazon Quantum Ledger Database(QLDB) Amazon Neptune Amazon ElasiCache Amazon DocumentDB Amazon DynamoDB Amazon Aurora Migration & Transfer AWS Datasync AWS Server Migration Service AWS Transfer For SFTP CludEndure Migration AWS Database Migration Service AWS Application Discovery Service AWS Migration Hub Storage Amazon FSx For Windows File Server Amazon S# Glacier AWS Backup AWS Snow Family AWS Storage Gateway Amazon FSx For Lustre Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)