A challenging moment arose when a young individual faced immense pressure from a supposed friend named Faith, who exploited their friendship to coerce them into stealing. Despite having committed theft before without getting caught, the individual was conflicted between maintaining the friendship and doing the right thing.
chinghui 2) Write about a time when you had to make a difficult decision
in school and outside a shopping mall
i stole something from a shop once and did not get caught so she kept asking me to steal
threaten me in school and after school
she wanted something from a shop but doesnt want to steal so she used our friendship to threaten me
faith threaten me to steal something from a shop for her if not friendship will be gone
stole the third time and got caught by shop keeper and brought to the police station parents came to the police station policeman forgive me as i manage to lie to them saying it was my first time stealing parents asked me what happened and i told them everything as i could not stand it anymore